• 萨姆走了进来,其他男孩紧跟其后

    Sam walked in, with the rest of the boys following closely behind.


  • 萨姆告诫不要草率作出决定

    Sam cautioned him against making a hasty decision.


  • 戴安娜声称萨姆永远不变

    Dianne declared her undying love for Sam.


  • 萨姆埃里克戴维斯7岁儿子

    Sam is the seven-year-old son of Eric Davies.


  • 萨姆恨不得不醒,了无心事。

    Sam longed for the oblivion of sleep.


  • 那么萨姆当时知道的。

    There was so much that Sam didn't know yet.


  • 萨姆啪啪不停地开关着手电筒

    Sam was flicking a flashlight on and off.


  • 萨姆吹嘘扑克牌谁都赢不了

    Sam boasted that she could beat anyone at poker.


  • 萨姆耸耸肩膀什么也没

    Sam shrugged and said nothing.


  • 萨姆运动场上推倒了

    Sam pushed me over in the playground.


  • 萨姆看上去好像什么事都操心似的。

    Sam looked as if he didn't have a care in the world.


  • 萨姆点了点头看起来没有信服

    Sam nodded but he didn't look convinced.


  • 萨姆已失宠父母

    Sam was in disgrace with his parents.


  • 前锋萨姆·麦克拉肯主队添了14

    Junior forward Sam McCracken added 14 points for the home team.


  • 萨姆感觉满脸通红。

    Sam felt her cheeks flush red.


  • 我们坐在萨姆书房里,在一叠叠中间

    We sat in Sam's study, among the piles of books.


  • 萨姆:“准备藏起来”,然后匆匆上

    Sam said, "I'm going to hide," and scooted up the stairs.


  • 温和点儿,”萨姆开门时又重复了一遍。

    "Go easy on him," Sam repeated, opening the door.


  • 吉姆伊恩萨姆共住一房子,还有条狗斯派克

    I share the house with Jim, Ian and Sam, not forgetting Spike, the dog.


  • 布赖恩认为萨姆是个无足轻重的人,是个真正的业余选手。

    Brian considered Sam a lightweight, a real amateur.


  • 百慕大萨姆父亲了一趟到珊瑚短途旅行。

    In Bermuda, Sam's father took him on an excursion to a coral barrier.


  • 布雷迪·科因”,萨姆这边甩了一下。

    "This is Brady Coyne," said Sam, jerking his head in my direction.


  • 萨姆懒懒地往后一靠,将的两胳膊肘在了背后长凳上

    Sam slouched back and propped his elbows up on the bench behind him.


  • 这部恐怖片大师萨姆·莱米执导的影片几乎可以稳获奥斯卡提名

    The filmdirected by horror-meister Sam Raimi – is almost assured an Oscar nomination.


  • 萨姆完全出于主动,开始把那天夜里发生一一向我们了出来。

    Quite unprompted, Sam started telling us exactly what had happened that night.


  • 杰克·萨姆纳曾作为向导装备店商科罗拉多落矶经营一家商埠

    Jack Sumner was a guide and outfitter who ran a trading post in the Colorado Rockies.


  • 的优势是什么?

    What are Sam's advantages?


  • 得比萨姆大5岁。

    Peter is 5 years older than Sam.


  • ,你晚餐想吃什么?

    Sam, what do you want to have for dinner?


  • 跑得更快,迈克还是萨姆

    Who is the faster runner, Mike or Sam?


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