Samoans have among the highest rates of obesity in the world.
Uniquely, American Samoans don't get to be citizens, but instead are American Nationals.
But Samoans weren't too pleased, since most of the cars they owned were designed to drive on the right.
A Polynesian, especially Samoan, garment consisting of a rectangular piece of printed cotton tied loosely around the waist.
Polynesian, especially Samoan, garment consisting of a rectangular piece of printed cotton tied loosely around the waist.
Vasey is also interested in the Samoans because their social environment closely resembles the one in which our ancestors evolved.
According to my mother, my natural parents were Samoan and only teenagers when I was born, so they gave me up for adoption.
It will remove the enormous amount of confusion in our travel times for the Samoans and especially for the tourists who come to Samoa, who keep thinking of the New Zealand and Australian time zones.
Some passengers said the policy was discriminatory as it only affects people flying on one route, from Honolulu to Pago Pago, with most passengers being of Samoan descent.
This migration phenomena has been seen, for example, when Samoan children move to New Zealand and when Asians move to England. 2
The earthquake came hours after another quake triggered a tsunami that left at least 100 people dead on the Pacific islands of Samoa and American Samoa.
然而归结为六个人他们让步了二次快尝试并且处于在萨摩亚在死亡得分了在28 - 19离开结果以前,输掉游戏的危险中。
However reduced to six men they conceded two quick tries and were in danger of losing the game before Samoa scored at the death to leave the result at 28-19.
然而归结为六个人他们让步了二次快尝试并且处于在萨摩亚在死亡得分了在28 - 19离开结果以前,输掉游戏的危险中。
However reduced to six men they conceded two quick tries and were in danger of losing the game before Samoa scored at the death to leave the result at 28-19.