• 温度下表观密度螺杆转速提高而增大

    While at lower temperature, apparent density increases with the increasing of screw revolution speed.


  • 较低螺杆转速由于最小的导致均匀熔化

    Slower RPM "s result in a more uniform melt by minimizing shear heat buildup."


  • 气泡脱离喷嘴时间承受随进气压力螺杆转速的升高而减小

    The time that is taken for gas separating from nozzle decreases with the gas pressure and screw rotational speed.


  • 研究单体用量、引发剂用量螺杆转速反应温度对接影响

    It studied influencing effects of the content of monomer, the content of DCP, the screw rotating velocity and the reaction temperature on graft ratio.


  • 研究了组合螺杆转速挤出温度以及含水量淀粉挤出发泡影响

    The influences of screw configuration, screw speed, extrusion temperature and water contents on extruded starch foams were studied.


  • 第二备用方案通过减少螺杆转速延长加热时间但是这样减少产量

    A second option is to increase heating time by reducing screw speed, but this also reduces output.


  • 任何工艺调剂螺杆转速不同阶段注塑速度思忖缩减资料剪切

    The relief of any technology such as screw speed, the different stages of the injection molding speed and so on, all want to contemplate the reduced material shear.


  • 一定螺杆转速下,温度停留时间越长聚酯熔体输送过程齐聚物含量越高。

    The higher the temperature and the longer the resident time was, the higher the oligomer content was during polyester melt trans - fer course at a fixed screw rotation speed.


  • 通过调整挤出机螺杆转速不同加热温度确定接枝反应最佳工艺条件

    By adjusting the screw speed of the twin-screw extruder, temperatures of different heating stages, the optimal processing conditions for grafting reactions are determined.


  • 反向啮合分布混合能力优于中性啮合块,体积影响不大,螺杆转速提高增强。

    The mixing capability of reverse kneading block were better than neutral kneading block, it impacted slightly by the volumetric flow rate, and improved with the increase in screw speed.


  • 上,我们得出:选择较挤出温度较高转速有利于得到性能好的发泡制品

    Therefore, lower extrusion temperature and higher screw revolution speed will leads to low foamed HIPS products with good performance.


  • 结果表明:淀粉酶转化程度螺杆转速影响,物料水分质量分数机筒温度增加而增大

    The result showed that DE values were not effected by screw speed, but increased with material moisture, enzyme mass fraction and barrel temperature;


  • 采用响应分析方法研究螺杆转速机筒温度物料水分质量分数挤出物de影响规律。

    The response surface methodology was used to study the influences of screw speed, barrel temperature, material moisture and enzyme mass fraction on DE values.


  • 研究了单挤出机挤出温度螺杆转速对沥青纤维填充abs树脂复合材料导电性及力学性能影响

    It is investigated that the influence of barrel temperature and rotation speed of screw rod of extruder on conductivity and strength of the ABS resin composites filled with carbon fibers.


  • 讨论泡沫塑料连续挤出成型过程中的合理进气条件,分析了不同进气位置、喷嘴结构螺杆转速气泡形态影响

    Reasonable gas feeding conditions are discussed in the continuous extruding process of foamed plastics. The influence of different posit, nozzle construction, rotational speed of screw, etc.


  • 国内外专家学者研究表明挤压膨化效果物料温度喂料速度螺杆转速、物料湿度和添加制剂等有着密切关系。

    The study of domestic and foreign experts and scholars shown that the extrusion effects are related to the material temperature, feed rate, screw speed, material humidity, enzyme addition.


  • 研究挤压过程,挤压温度螺杆转速进料速度、原料水分含量淀粉的糊化、降解及对挤出物的溶解指数膨化度影响

    This paper studies the influence of extrusion temperature. Screw speed, feed speed and water content on starch gelatinization depolymerization, soluble index and expansion efficiency.


  • 采用熔融挤出过程中提高螺杆挤出机转速方法,研究机械引发马来酸酐(MAH)熔融枝弹性体poe的接枝反应。

    Grafting of maleic anhydride (MAH) onto POE performed in melting state through mechanical force initiation by increasing the screw rotation speed of twin-screw extruder was studied.


  • 结果表明一定螺杆转速、共温度、共混时间范围内,PS/PA6共混物形成双连续组分比例范围为40/60—65/35;

    The results showed that the range of the region of phase co-continuity PS/PA6 was 40/60-65/35 at experimental temperature, rotor speed or mixing time;


  • 研究了脱壳油菜籽挤压系统参数(套筒温度、杆转速头至模板距离、模孔长度、模孔孔径)对中挤压出菜籽油游离脂肪酸油脂稳定性影响规律

    The influence regularity of the parameters of rapeseed extrusion system on free fat acid, iodine value and stability of rapeseed oil extruded from extract cage of extruder was studied.


  • 因此螺杆压缩机压缩机相比相同转速单位排气次数气流脉动气流噪声大。

    Therefore, double screw compressor and worm compressor compared, in the same speed of the units inside less number of exhaust air ripple, big air flow noise.


  • 为了满足压机运行中的节能必须一种高效率转速驱动电机

    In order to meet the screw air compressor operation of the energy saving, there must be an efficient change speed motor drive.


  • 筒口挤出通过变更挤出机螺杆辊筒转速灵活预成型口型和终端口型设计组合可以有效控制挤出物的形状尺寸生产率

    The extrudate shape, dimension and output can be effectively controlled on single roller extruder with its variable screw and roller speeds and the flexible combination of preform die and final die.


  • 螺杆钻具转速可以为PD C钻头提高切削速度提供井下动力保障

    High rotate speeds of dynamical drilling tools can improve PDC bit's cutting rates, and also can provide downhole motives.


  • 设备结构而言:喷嘴面积套的间隙转速深浅是影响膨化度的主要因素。

    While for the equipment structure, they were the sectional area of nozzle, the pitch between screw and its turnbuckle, clearance, rotate speed, and the depth of the whorl on the turnbuckle.


  • 调节稳压螺杆转速,则完全补偿主螺杆压力波动

    If the screw speed of parallel pressure stabilization apparatus is varied corresponding to the pressure fluctuation, the pressure and output fluctuation of extrusion can be fully compensated.


  • 文中探讨了塑胶螺杆半径转速旋转模式钢珠表面检测覆盖率影响

    The influence of coverage due to the radius, angular velocity, pitch , double thread of plastic screw, and rotational mode of steel axis are also discussed in here.


  • 转台卸料螺杆转速均为变频调速满足不同工艺操作需要

    The main disk and discharge screw are operated at a frequency-converted speed to meet different process needs.


  • 举升流体所需功率螺杆转速预测电动机负载功率,确定地面电机额定功率。

    And the horsepower of surface motor is ascertained through anticipating the operating power of motor shaft according to the power of lifting liquid and rotational speed of PCP.


  • 举升流体所需功率螺杆转速预测电动机负载功率,确定地面电机额定功率。

    And the horsepower of surface motor is ascertained through anticipating the operating power of motor shaft according to the power of lifting liquid and rotational speed of PCP.


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