• UTM坐标系统使用基于网格的方法表示坐标

    The UTM coordinate system is a grid-based method for specifying coordinates.


  • 地理坐标可以用来表示任何地方位置但是适合定义具有可度量长度直线计算距离

    While geographic coordinates can be used to represent point locations anywhere, they are not suitable for defining lines of appreciable length or computing distances.


  • 使用空间数据类型开发人员可以表示使用坐标系统数据,比如形状线条或是地图

    The Spatial data type allows developers to represent data that USES a system of coordinates, such as shapes, lines, or points on a map.


  • 称为右手坐标系统因为右手大拇指、食指和中指可以用来表示三个方向

    This is called a "right-handed" coordinate system because the thumb and first two fingers of your right hand can be used to represent the three directions.


  • 因此坐标 (72, 72)表示距离页面左下角英寸

    So the coordinate (72, 72) represents the point one inch in from the left and bottom of the page.


  • 所含组件(比如Button)所有坐标用于表示网格位置

    All coordinates of contained components (such as a Button) refer to positions within the grid.


  • 将纹理坐标命名为(s,t)是为了用于表示顶点位置(x,y)区分开来(文字角度来讲,(u,v)更为常用)。

    Texture coordinates are named (s, t) in order to distinguish them from the (x, y) used for vertex positions (in literature, (u, v) is commonly used instead).


  • 通过Google地图提供一些位置信息(使用地址坐标形式),可以构建一个可视化地表示位置的地图

    By giving Google Maps some location information (in the form of addresses or coordinates), you can build a map that signifies that location visually.


  • 然后新的坐标之间关系可以线性方程表示至少相同的初始坐标时。

    And then, the relation between the old and the new coordinates is going to be given by linear formulas at least if I choose the same origin.


  • 这种方式下,x坐标y坐标标签使用本地化业务名称表示而不是用面向开发人员的对象名称来表示

    In this way, label of X-axis and Y-axis will be represented using localized business name, instead of developer-oriented object name.


  • 通过使用表示条线Draw2D图形,应该能够创建这样一个坐标图。

    You can create such a plotter by using Draw2D figures that represent a point and a line.


  • 举例来说,使用UTM 表示经/纬度坐标 61.44,25.40 的结果就是35V 414668 6812844;而 经/纬度坐标 -47.04,-73.48表示结果为18G 615471 4789269。

    For example, the latitude/longitude coordinates 61.44, 25.40 are presented in UTM as 35 V 414668 6812844; the latitude/longitude coordinates -47.04, -73.48 are 18 G 615471 4789269 in UTM.


  • 反过来一个关于xy函数,可以表示坐标r和θ

    Or, the other way around, I have a function of x and y and I want to express it in terms of the polar coordinates r and theta.


  • 包含月球地月质心采用各向同性标准坐标表示的相对摄动。

    It also contains the perturbations of the Moon onto the earth-moon barycenter and the relativistic perturbations expressed in isotropic and standard coordinates.


  • 代数形式表示的不变量具有简洁具体的表达式可以图像坐标基础矩阵直接求出。

    The invariants of double algebra's form has simple and explicit expression which can be computed directly by coordinates of image points and fundamental matrix.


  • 研究完整力学系统坐标表示运动微分方程无限小变换形式不变性

    The paper studies the form invariance of differential equations of motion for holonomic systems in terms of quasi coordinates, under the infinitesimal transformations of groups.


  • 本文针对一类坐标表示线性不确定系统根据滑模控制原理提出一种基于模糊逻辑的滑模控制方法

    A method of sliding mode control based on fuzzy logic, for a class of linear uncertain system shown in phase coordinate, is presented It if derived from the principle of sliding mode control.


  • 基于改进当地流活塞理论推导了用模态坐标表示的弹性振动翼面的非定常广义气动力表达式

    Based on the improved local piston theory, this paper presents the matrix expression of generalized aerodynamic forces expressed by the generalized coordinates.


  • 传统的以混合坐标表示模型相比模型能够获得全面、更精确的姿态动力学特性

    Comparing with the conventional hybrid coordinate model, this model provides more detailed, more accurate dynamic properties.


  • 坐标使用矩阵参数两种方式表示

    Work coordinate system is constructed by mixing matrix representation and parametric representation.


  • 中部有个坐标下面写着0表示正确曝光位置

    In the middle of the line is larger tick with a 0 underneath, this represents a correct exposure.


  • 四个数值表示这个相机视图绘制屏幕的什么地方,使用屏幕坐标系(0 - 1)。

    Four values that indicate where on the screen this camera view will be drawn, in screen Coordinates (values 0-1).


  • 根据这种观点多层介质波导中波传播散射可以归结多维空间向量坐标变换,并可用传输线和网络表示

    According to this point of view the transmission and scattering in multilayer dielectric waveguides can be regarded as coordinate transformation of a vector in ann-dimensional vector space.


  • 本身就是很大除了一个中心点坐标需要一个半径表示

    A circle is just a big point: in addition to the center coordinates it needs a radius.


  • 一种离基准线()固定点的距离方向(角度)来表示位置坐标系统

    A system of coordinates in which a point is located by its distance and direction (Angle) from a fixed point on a reference line (called the polar axis).


  • 模型类型包括频率直方图累积频率分布图对数坐标表示理论分布模型。

    The model types include frequency histogram, cumulative frequency distributing graph and theoretical model with double logarithmic coordinates.


  • 同时还给出了元素坐标表示其生向量方法

    At the same time, the author gives the method of expressing the spanning vectors by the coordinates of decomposable elements.


  • 此外为了解决某些模块需要沿一条预定总线放置问题,提出了基于序列表示的预定坐标线对准算法

    Furthermore, for satisfying the needs of placing some modules along the common bus, algorithms for predefined coordinate align constrains are also presented.


  • 弯曲时空中的平衡热辐射,表现出坐标表示的普朗克黑体

    The equilibrium thermal radiation in a curved space-time shows Planco black body spectrum given by coordinate quanties.


  • 动力学方程组是以广义坐标表出并用矩阵形式表示便于进行数值计算程序设计

    The dynamical equations are expressed in terms of generalized coordinates and written in matrix term so that they can be easily used for calculating and program designing.


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