• 这件衬衫太小,大的。

    This shirt I bought's too small—I'll have to change it for a bigger one.


  • 这件衬衫袖口不会变形

    The shirt's cuffs won't sag and lose their shape after washing.


  • 牛津棉布衬衫三种颜色

    This pure cotton Oxford shirt comes in three colours.


  • 从不衬衫足够的浆粉

    He never puts enough starch in my shirts.


  • 衬衫下面肌肉紧绷绷的。

    His muscles bunched under his shirt.


  • 大多数男孩穿着自己父亲军装衬衫

    Most of the boys wore hand-me-down military shirts from their fathers.


  • 希望不会注意到肮脏衬衫袖口

    He hoped she wouldn't notice his grubby shirt cuffs.


  • 逃跑时穿着条莎笼件破衬衫

    He fled wearing only a sarong and a tattered shirt.


  • 穿着件条纹衬衫一条宽松裤子

    He was wearing a stripy shirt and baggy blue trousers.


  • 那个年轻人抓住衬衫前襟把他推倒在

    The youth got him by the front of his shirt and flung him to the ground.


  • 过去常衬衫

    She used to iron his shirts.


  • 一直穿着米歇尔那件黑色金色相间的衬衫

    I'd been wearing Michel's black and gold shirt.


  • 件女衬衫水,不应该变成这个样子

    That blouse shouldn't look like that after only two washes.


  • 急忙扣好衬衫

    She hurriedly buttoned (up) her blouse.


  • 穿着凉鞋牛仔裤衬衫下摆也没进裤子里。

    He wore sandals and old jeans and his shirttails weren't tucked in.


  • 描述说穿着棕色灯芯绒长裤一件白色衬衫

    She described him as wearing brown corduroy pants and a white cotton shirt.


  • 约翰逊随意地穿着条休闲一件蓝色高尔夫衬衫

    Johnson was clad casually in slacks and a light blue golf shirt.


  • 当时编辑的时候,大多数时间穿衬衫黑色深蓝色裤子

    When I was a fashion editor, I mostly wore white shirts and black or navy trousers.


  • 克里斯穿着那件衣领挺括的衬衫加上剪的短发看上去整洁

    Chris was looking spruce in his stiff-collared black shirt and new short hair cut.


  • 身穿牛仔裤蓝色长袖粗斜纹棉布衬衫,里面还有件白色T恤衫

    He has on his jeans and a long-sleeved blue denim shirt with a white T-shirt underneath.


  • 身穿灰色西服深蓝色衬衫、打着蓝色领带方面俨然一副生意人模样

    He looks every inch the businessman, with his grey suit, dark blue shirt and blue tie.


  • 身穿套裤斜纹粗布衬衫,头戴一顶农场主白帽,显出一副典型牛仔模样。

    Clad in leather chaps, a denim shirt and a white rancher's hat, he looks the quintessential cowpoke.


  • 喜欢T恤衫但是喜欢衬衫

    I like T-shirts but I don't like shirts.


  • 衬衫下面抽出很长的粗布

    He pulled out a long coarse cloth from under the shirts.


  • 喜欢鞋子,我也喜欢衬衫

    I like shoes and I like shirts!


  • 找到了五个穿衬衫男人

    He finds five men wearing shirts.


  • 喜欢衬衫喜欢裤子

    I like shirts, and I don't like trousers.


  • 衬衫领子缝得很

    His shirt collar was securely sewed.


  • 这儿衣服——衬衫袜子样样齐备

    Here are two new suits of clothes--shirts, socks, everything complete.


  • 这件衬衫

    This blouse didn't stand washing.


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