In February 2003, Notarbartolo was arrested for heading a ring of Italian thieves.
When they are seized and thrown in prison, we must call and work for their release.
Yulia Tymoshenko, Ukraine's main opposition leader, was arrested.
He was sent to prison for failing to pay his debts and died in poverty in 1836.
He was sent to prison for failing to pay his debts and died in poverty in 1836.
He was sent to prison for failing to pay his debt and died in poverty in 1836.
Though a citizen of Israel, he was too often jailed there for his activism, and eventually had his citizenship revoked.
A Serbian broadcasting boss was later jailed for not passing on NATO’s warnings that the building was a target.
The Russian signatory to the deal, Yukos Oil Co., has fallen into disarray following the jailing of its chief shareholder on fraud charges.
After the war she was arrested and spent time in prison on different charges, eventually hanging herself in her cell in 1967, apparently consumed by guilt.
He had been through an exhaustive investigation of Goldman Sachs that featured one of his partners being hauled away in handcuffs before he was cleared.
"She has not been jailed as is being rumored," Zhang said. "But she is not hosting the program anymore, because she is currently being investigated."
黄被捕入狱后,几百家分店被关闭,为了缓解资金压力,贝恩国际- - -美国的私募基金公司,被引入公司。
Since Mr Huang's arrest hundreds of its stores have been closed and Bain capital, an American private-equity firm, has been brought in to shore up its capital.
The first reveals the number of years the writer spent in prison (28); the second, how old he was when the law caught up with him (44), and the third, the age at which he was released (72).
John was imprisoned for criticizing the illegal marriage of Herod Antipas, and was executed after Herod's stepdaughter, Salome, demanded his head as a reward for dancing for the king's guests.
菲利普.马尔科夫(Philip Markoff),波士顿大学医学院大二学生,今年22岁,娃娃脸,身材魁梧,因涉嫌谋杀一名按摩女郎而被捕入狱。
Friends were quick to come to the defense of Philip Markoff, 22, a burly, baby-faced Boston University medical student who was arrested for the killing of a masseuse.
"He nevertheless gave the police who were taking him to jail the bottle of wine as a gesture of thanks for the friendly treatment after the arrest," Koenig said.
"He nevertheless gave the police who were taking him to jail the bottle of wine as a gesture of thanks for the friendly treatment after the arrest," Koenig said.