• 一些目击者说上了年纪垃圾清运前来帮助时,名女孩再次另一辆面包车撞倒

    The girl was then hit a second time by another van when an elderly trash collector came to her aid, according to some witnesses.


  • 辩解说他是一个失控的球队撞倒的。他的腿有两处骨折。

    He argued that he had been knocked down by a runaway team and his leg broken in two places.


  • 泰坦尼克号片场迪卡普里奥宠物蜥蜴辆卡车撞倒利奥凭着爱心照顾的伙伴,直至其恢复健康

    On the set of Titanic, DiCaprio's pet lizard was run over by a truck, but with some TLC, Leo nursed him to health.


  • 她们李启明撞倒时,两位年轻女生正在河北大学校园并排溜冰据报道,当时李启明开着大众轿车飚车。

    The two young women were in-line skating on the campus of Hebei University when they were struck by Mr. Li, who was reported to be racing around in a Volkswagen sedan.


  • 最近评测摩托车播放燃油摩托车的声音,免得路上行人都浑然不觉,被撞倒知道。

    I recently tested an electric motorcycle that plays a recording of a gas motorcycle, just so you don’t mow down unsuspecting citizens sharing the roadway with you.


  • 周三国家媒体报道几个过路人很快地帮助佛山集市上转向撞倒20个月大的男孩

    On Wednesday, several passers-by quickly went to the aid of a 20-month-old boy, Xiao Jie, knocked down by a reversing car in a bazaar in Foshan, state media reported.


  • 女孩下班的路上,失去控制小车撞倒在路边。

    One day, while the girl was on her way to work, she was knocked down by a car that lost control.


  • 遇见一对夫妇,他们的女儿萨拉骑车外出醉酒驾车司机撞倒当场毙命

    I once met a couple whose daughter, Sarah, had been hit and killed by a drunk driver when she'd been out on her bike. She died instantly.


  • 年前另一座城市这个女孩一家KFC门前,可等了4个小时来,正当女孩想离开时,两名刚刚抢了银行的歹徒****误伤了,更不幸的是,女孩送往医院的路中,救护车撞倒个男孩。

    The old man stopped and sighed : Nine years ago, in another city, this girl waited at the entrance of a KFC restaurant. But 4 hours passed, the person did not appear.


  • 拖拉机碰在块岩石池塘里撞倒清理下了山坡

    When my tractor hit a rock and rolled down the hill into the pond I was knocked clean out.


  • 弗吉尼亚州一个发电厂两个反应堆交通灯撞倒在整个华盛顿

    Two nuclear reactors at a power plant in Virginia went off line, while traffic lights were knocked out throughout Washington.


  • 出去买东西几乎一个骑摩托车笨蛋撞倒了。

    Some bozo on a motorbike almost ran me over while I was out shopping.


  • 1993年,布莱遭受严重伤病骑着脚踏车穿过哈佛广场汽车撞倒,导致肺部刺破以及根肋骨折断

    In 1993, Breyer suffered more serious injuries, a punctured lung and broken ribs, when he was hit by a car while riding his bike across Harvard Square.


  • 澳大利亚特洛伊西换下受伤奥尔,61分钟拉莫斯中场撞倒杰迪纳克黄牌警告

    Australia with Isidor replaced the injured Troy Orr, 61 minutes Ramos knocked Jedi ng midfielder was booked.


  • 几乎突然学校出来孩子们撞倒

    I was nearly pushed over by a crowd of children suddenly pouring out of the school gate.


  • 周六下午名19岁的少女在铁轨自拍时火车撞倒身亡

    A 19-year-old woman posing for a photo on the railroad tracks was hit and killed by a train on Saturday afternoon.


  • 关于某人a在下个星期二穿越马路的时候公共汽车撞倒预言不会有作用的。

    A divination on Person a getting hit by a bus as they cross the street next Tuesday will not work.


  • 企鹅那些吵闹朋友们一起来到了游乐园,由于大家在里面太快以至于互相撞倒

    Penguin and his rambunctious young friends are off to the playground, running so fast that they knock each other down.


  • 罗马教皇圣彼得大教堂举行圣诞弥撒尽管开始时候一位妇女撞倒,但是他仍然继续进行庆祝活动。

    The Pope has celebrated the traditional Christmas Mass, despite being knocked down by a woman at the start of the service in st Peter's Basilica.


  • 当时,帮助这名外交官美国领事馆撞倒

    S. consulate vehicle that had rushed to the aid of the U. S. diplomat.


  • 撞倒,从地上起来发现我的右臂肘部伤了。现在我感到肋骨有点疼痛

    I was knocked to the ground, and when I got up, my left arm and elbow were grazed and now, I have a pain in my ribs.


  • 得知卡车撞倒女孩救护车送往了医院许多自发献血留言表示肇事司机应该尽早缉拿归案

    On hearing the girl struck by a truck has been sent to hospital by ambulance, many people volunteered to donate blood and left the message that the driver should be arrested as soon as possible.


  • 在过车辆拥挤街道辆自行车撞倒在地。

    Nat forgot about this, and while he was crossing a busy street, a bicycle knocked him down.


  • 在过车辆拥挤街道辆自行车撞倒在地。

    Nat forgot about this, and while he was crossing a busy street, a bicycle knocked him down.


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