The case is a 21 year old female from the El Tanta District of Gharbia Governorate.
All three cases belong to one extended family in Gharbiyah province, 80 kilometres northwest of the capital city, Cairo.
In 1871 to join Canada, it then become the capital of Canada's west province.
The two patients from whom samples were taken were a 16 year-old female and a 26 year-old male from Gharbiyah Province, egypt.1.
他们以巴基斯坦西部省俾路支(Baluchistan)首府的基地而闻名,之后又以 “奎达舒拉”(Quetta shura)(what is it?) 声名大播。
They are known as the “Quetta shura”, after the capital of Pakistan’s western province of Baluchistan, where they are believed to be based.
It inhabited the western and southern portion of the U.S. as far south as Florida, and nearly to Chiapas in Mexico.
Hamidi was arrested two years ago in the suburbs of the western city of Tabriz in the East Azerbaijan province after a fight with members of another family.
The seventh case occurred in a 21-year-old woman from the western rayon of Tarter.
The case, which was fatal, occurred in a 3-year-old girl from Kampong Speu Province, west of Phnom Penh in the southern part of the country.
The daughter of shopkeepers, she hails from a small village in the western province of Guizhou.
Then why the name "Grizzlies"? The reason is that the Grizzlies were originally based in Vancouver, British Columbia, on Canada's Pacific coast, where grizzly bears do live.
A gap in two large ice sheets would create a connection from lands near present day Alaska, through Alberta and into the continental United States.
He has rebuilt his traditional seat, Palpung Monastery, in western Sichuan province.
The area known for the greatest seismic activity in Canada is in the far western portion of the country-the coast of British Columbia.
But, Yousuf's ancestral village in western Herat province had suffered greatly during the decades of conflict.
Purple sea stars and eelgrass flourish in the waters off the coast of British Columbia.
Not long ago, while High Representative Ashton was in China, she paid a visit to the Guizhou Province in the western part of the country. The visit left her deep impression.
We meet, for example, 8-year-old Zhang Chengcheng from Maying village in the western province of Qinghai, whose mother and grandmother are blind from birth.
Ontario has registered 30,000 mining claims in an area west of James Bay nicknamed the "Ring of Fire", where chromite (used for stainless steel) was found in 2006.
Ontario has registered 30, 000 mining claims in an area west of James Bay nicknamed the "Ring of Fire", where chromite (used for stainless steel) was found in 2006.
Mecca, lies in the arid region of Hejaz, Western Saudi Arabia. It's the starting point for every Hajj.
Main Growing Regions: The western part of the Yunnan province
It also bought 200, 000 acres of the Duvernay shale gas formation in Alberta, Canada. Expect the buying to continue: Chevron says it will boost capital spending 20% this year to $26 billion.
Sichuan province is a main tourism province, it is no doubt there is big resource of customers especially after China launch developing west policy.
You can see dense forests and red soil in the western part of Guangdong Province.
The rural county of Qijiang lies south of Chongqing, the commercial center of western China, on the way to the mountainous province of Guizhou.
The economic gap between the western and eastern regions in Shandong province has become a serious barrier for its whole economy reaching a new stage.
The economic gap between the western and eastern regions in Shandong province has become a serious barrier for its whole economy reaching a new stage.