• 本文首先阐述了数字视频监控系统功能特性理论基础

    In this paper, firstly we illustrate the function, characteristic and theory elements.


  • 描述了视频监控系统特点现状介绍视频监控中进行视频运动检测算法

    The characteristic and current situation of the system monitored and controlled by video were described, with many arithmetic for video moving test in video monitoring, introduced.


  • 鉴于上述情况,不言而喻部署视频监控系统最佳效果应该减少所需服务器数量

    With the above in mind, it goes without saying that when deploying a video surveillance system best efforts should be taken to reduce the number of servers required.


  • 介绍基于PCI总线图像采集数字视频监控系统给出系统结构实现方法

    This paper introduces a kind of digital video surveillance system based on PCI image grab card. Its system structure and achieving method are presented in this paper.


  • 为了有效提高煤矿企业安全监控水平提出一种煤矿安全生产视频监控系统的设计与实现。

    In order to effectively improve the enterprises Colliery Security monitoring's standards, it presents an video monitoring system using in Colliery Security Production.


  • 本文介绍应用高校安全防范管理数字视频监控系统设计原理体系结构和应用功能

    This paper introduces the design principle, the system structure , the application function of digital video monitoring system in the university safe guard management.


  • 视频监控系统电信银行交通电力水利石化智能大厦等诸多领域有着广泛应用

    Video surveillance system has an abroad application in the area of telecom, bank, traffic, electric power, water conservancy, petroleum, intelligence building.


  • 目前一代嵌入式网络视频监控系统更是先进图像压缩处理网络通信技术于一体。

    At present, the new generation of embedded network video monitoring system integrates advanced image compression processing and network communication technologies.


  • 我国应该如何解决公共视频监控系统存在问题呢?关键在于公共视频监控系统进行规制。

    How should we deal with the problems of public video surveillance and control system? The key is the public video surveillance and control system should be regulated.


  • 数字视频监控系统中,视频捕获出序列图像并进行实时运动检测一项重要功能

    In digital video supervisory system, it's an important function that captures image sequence from video-stream and detects the moving objects in real time based on image sequence.


  • 基于人脸识别数字视频监控系统由于具有隐蔽性非接触性等优势近年来得到了广泛关注

    The video surveillance system based on face recognition has the advantage of concealment and non-contact, so it has received extensive attention in recent years.


  • 文章数字化视频监控系统组成功能分类及其实现等方面阐述在校园网中的应用情况。

    This paper expounds the application of digital video-monitor system in the campus Intranet based on its constitution, function, classification, and realization.


  • 高清视频监控系统各个行业建设行业内各级综合监控指挥系统提高监管能力应急指挥能力

    HD video surveillance system will built an integrated surveillance and commanding system for different levels in different trades, enhancing the regulatory capacity and emergency command ability.


  • 通过比较不同网络通信方式阐述IP组播技术嵌入式视频监控系统网络传输方面的优势

    The paper explains the advantages of IP multicast technology in the network transmission of embedded video monitoring system through comparing three kinds of different network communication ways.


  • 首先重视公民基本权利,明确保护公民隐私权作为公共视频监控系统规制的最终价值追求。

    First, we must attach importance to the fundamental rights of citizens. The value of regulating the public video surveillance system is to protect the privacy of citizens.


  • 数字视频监控系统企业安全防范领域发挥重要作用新增系统同时兼容企业原有网络

    Digital Video monitoring systems play an important role in the field of corporate security precautions. The additional systems should be compatible with the existing corporate networks.


  • 粮仓储粮远程视频监控系统影响图像质量一个主要因素图像传输过程中所采用压缩算法

    The main factor that affects the quality of image in the video remote monitoring system of granary storage is the condensing algorithm adapted in the process of image transmission.


  • 随着世界安全不断关注视频监控系统作为重要安全防护手段越来越深入到社会生活各个层面

    With the world's sustaining care on security, Video Surveillance System is being a more and more important role in every layer of society as the safe guarding method.


  • 介绍一种基于PC数字视频监控系统给出了整个监控系统功能模块系统框架图部分源代码

    This article introduces a digital video monitor-control system based on PC, and gives the function modules, system frame diagram and some source codes.


  • 目前数码视频监控系统大多采用MPEG1、MPEG2编码标准导致视频存储成本网络负载重。

    Nowadays most digital video monitor systems are using MPEG1 or MPEG2 encoding standard, which leads to high cost of video storage and network translation load.


  • 视频运动目标检测跟踪算法计算机视觉领域一个核心课题也是智能视频监控系统关键底层技术

    The detection and tracking algorithm of video motion objects is one of hotspots in the field of computer vision. It's also the key intelligent technology of video surveillance system.


  • 介绍一种基于ARM9高速嵌入式处理器H . 264高效压缩算法的嵌入式3g无线视频监控系统

    This paper describes an embedded 3g wireless video monitoring system based on high-speed ARM9-based embedded processor and highly efficient H. 264 compression algorithms.


  • 计算机远程数字视频监控系统一个综合集成系统涉及计算机硬件软件网络各方面综合技术

    Digital Video Remote Monitoring system of computer is a comprehensive system. It refers to several technical fields such as hardware, software and network of computer etc.


  • 智能视频监控系统中,基于DSP平台解决方案是在功耗灵活性性能开发成本较为均衡一种选择

    In the Intelligent Video Surveillance System, based on the DSP platform solutions in the power, flexibility and performance of development costs on a more balanced choice.


  • 如果DVR的录像技术平滑移植IP存储产品上面很好地满足IP前端接入视频监控系统要求

    If the DVR video recording technology, transplants smoothly to the IP memory product above, may satisfy the video frequency supervisory system's request which well front end IP turns on.


  • 基于视频监控系统历史现状发展趋势研究本论文完成多媒体数字视频监控采集系统的研究设计

    Based on the research of video surveillance system's history actuality and trend, thesis complete the research and design of gather subsystem of multimedia digital video surveillance.


  • 公共视频监控系统具有公共性安防目的性个人隐私权限制性三个社会属性,其功能积极消极两个方面。

    Public video surveillance and control system has the social attributes on the public nature, purpose of security and restrictive of privacy. It has the positive and negative functions.


  • 公共视频监控系统具有公共性安防目的性个人隐私权限制性三个社会属性,其功能积极消极两个方面。

    Public video surveillance and control system has the social attributes on the public nature, purpose of security and restrictive of privacy. It has the positive and negative functions.


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