Users are notified about all other updates and can trigger those updates manually.
Therefore, there is no guarantee that asynchronous event handlers will execute in the same order as the triggering updates.
例如,启动和停止网格JVM会触发视图变更,因为服务器要确认新的或消失的成员并更新它们的可用网格J VM视图。
For example, starting and stopping grid JVMs will trigger view changes as the servers acknowledge the new or missing member and update their view of the available grid JVMs.
This option specifies whether or not a CICS transaction abend should trigger an automatic rollback of the RRS unit of Recovery and force a back-out of all updates made within the CICS unit of work.
This information is helpful in terms of reflecting a level of activity, but it doesn't reveal what would trigger a view update.
IIS will not serve up a file that is not present, so your handler will never fire if the update path is invalid.
For example, each time a new product name is added, you can have it trigger a batch update.
Without a transaction there is no trigger for the ORM to generate SQL code and persist the changes, so the method simply ends - no exceptions, no updates.
When the event is triggered to show the update panel, the content is asynchronously retrieved from the server.
At that point, a download is triggered if changes are required on the game client.
如果他们将该文件拖拽到My widgets侧栏,那么将自动触发来自更新站点的特性安装。
If they drag it to their My Widgets sidebar, the installation of your feature from your update site is automatically triggered.
By monitoring single or multiple create, open, update, or delete events to the Notes documents, Virtual Field activities trigger the appropriate result in the external system data.
The only way it can update the status or trigger actions to a state machine is by calling the SIP servlet routines via the handle.
The business logic can also perform updates to a backend database, or can trigger workflow processes using WebSphere BI Server Foundation.
与VirtualField活动相似,Virtual Document 活动监控Domino应用程序中的事件并在外部系统触发适当的更新。
Similar to the Virtual Field activity, the Virtual Document activity monitors for events in the Domino application and triggers the appropriate update in the external system.
The status change only triggers the notification event when the status is updated using the Web resource.
可选地,更新 /home/cruise/force-build/${project-name}的时间戳也可以让CruiseControl触发自动重新构建。
Optionally, update the timestamp of /home/cruise/force-build/${project-name} so that CruiseControl triggers an automatic rebuild.
The update trigger is more complicated: if the update causes an exception, you have to delete the existing feature row, just as for null coordinates.
可这样的情形在Cairngor m中是行不通的,比如当某个模块触发事件更新模型的时候。
This paradigm breaks in Cairngorm for example when a module fires an event to update the model.
Once the document is saved back to the repository, the CaseDiary event action is notified and a new diary entry is created for the update.
由服务器端触发We b页更新在JSF内并非易事。
Any Web page change triggered by the server side is not easy in JSF.
In this particular scenario, Jane is attempting to update Maria's name, in which case a check on Jane's authority to modify the name field is launched.
Just as with activation and updates, you can set this behavior by making a call on the Configuration class, as shown in Listing 10.
They provide registration, messaging, and compensation trigger logic (but not the update-reversal methods themselves).
We add a trigger to database so that every update to a record in the table increments the revision counter.
A database trigger is program residing in the database that runs when an event, such as an update, occurs on a table in the database.
The change causes a trigger or another automated mechanism, to update the event store with information about the change.
The change causes a trigger or another automated mechanism, to update the event store with information about the change.