• KIOSK门户应用程序创建添加portlet步骤普通计算机浏览器中的操作相同

    The steps for creating new pages and adding portlets for a KIOSK portal application are the same as those for normal computer browsers.


  • 但是网页应用世界里,我们电子邮件数据都是在线存放在网页中,只要台连接因特网计算机,我们可以随时通过网页浏览器获得我们所需的数据。

    In the new world of web apps, my email and all my data are stored online on the web. I can get to it on a web browser from any computer that's connected to the Internet.


  • 或者IT部门不希望计算机中安装版本浏览器修改注册表

    Perhaps your IT department frowns upon you installing old browser versions on your computer or tweaking the registry keys.


  • 容易设想如果用户必须使用因特网浏览器学习乌尔都语的话,您难以看到计算机美国的使用。

    It is easy to imagine how little computer use would be seen in America if the user had to learn Urdu to use an Internet browser.


  • 而且无论使用哪种计算机(手机),他们都通过任何网络浏览器获得这些服务

    They can access the services through any web browser, regardless of what kind of computer (or telephone) they use.


  • 大多数情况计算机用户听到缓存时,都会想到浏览器缓存。

    Most of the time, when a computer user hears the word "cache," he thinks of a browser's cache.


  • 此外世行记录IP地址计算机网络地址以及诸如浏览器类型操作系统信息。

    In addition, the World Bank also records your IP address, which is the Internet address of your computer, and information such as your browser type and operating system.


  • 同样道理,浏览器安全保障让远离恶意软件网络钓鱼以及其他网络攻击隐私保护功能保护个人计算机浏览隐私

    In the same way, browser security helps protect you from malware, phishing, and other online attacks, while privacy features help keep your browsing private on your computer.


  • 用于访问应用程序计算机有限的,因此可以假设安装适当浏览器插件

    There are a limited number of computers being used for accessing your application, so you can be assured that they all using the right browser and plugin combination.


  • AIR应用可以浏览器之外提供绝佳用户体验支持所有计算机平台

    AIR apps can offer a compelling user experience outside the browser but across computing platforms.


  • 单击这个菜单项时会启动Infocenter帮助无论自己计算机配置何种外部浏览器

    When you click on this menu item, it launches the Infocenter help in whatever external browser you have configured on your computer.


  • 不过这些URLs中的任何一个之后,浏览器绑定URL所代表计算机应用程序服务器

    But once you have any one of those URLs, your browser is bound to the computer and the application server that the URL represents.


  • 我们需要创建一个Web应用程序,这样任何能够运行Web浏览器计算机作为患者数据录入点。

    You will create a Web application for this so any computer that can run a Web browser can serve as a data entry station for patients.


  • 如图2所示客户机组件表示一个具有用于访问应用程序Web浏览器计算机

    The client component, shown in Figure 2, represents a computer with a Web browser used to access the application.


  • XForms没有规定使用哪种计算机语言呈现表单使用哪种Web浏览器或者表单应该什么操作系统运行

    XForms does not specify the computer language to be used to render a form, what Web browser to use, or what operating system the forms should run on.


  • 如果使用计算机病毒可以感染IE浏览器软件仍然可以访问互联网搜索下载所需补救工具

    If you are using a computer that has a virus infecting Internet Explorer, this software will allow you to still access the Internet to search for and download needed remedies.


  • 许多系统安装时就已经安装了Acrobat软件并且很多浏览器支持PDF格式,所以计算机应该可以显示这些文件

    Many systems are sold with the Acrobat software pre-loaded, and most browsers are configured to load it, so it's likely that your computer already knows how to display the document.


  • 通过本文,了解开发人员开发面向所有类型计算机浏览器用户最优化Ajax应用程序时所面临的挑战。

    Discover some of the challenges developers face when developing Ajax applications that are maximized for all types of computers, browsers, and users.


  • 有可能在始于IPv6的情况下出现连接失败一条出错信息发送计算机请求应用(比如说web浏览器)。

    You may fail to connect to a site through IPv6 and have an error message sent to the requesting application on your computer (read: web browser).


  • Cookie: Cookie一小数据通常含有一个匿名的独特标识网站计算机发送浏览器存储计算机硬盘上。

    Cookie: a cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier that is sent to your browser from a website's computers and stored on your computer's hard drive.


  • 如果希望计算机安装什么东西Vanish提供在线服务,你可以通过的浏览器来使用Vanish的在线服务。

    If you would prefer to not install anything on your computer, there's also the Vanish Online Service which you can use from your web browser.


  • Web页面一部分显示页面用户Web浏览器执行一些计算机代码

    A bit of computer code that is part of a Web page, and is executed by the user's Web browser when the page is displayed.


  • 浏览器(不论是计算机中,或者移动设备电话、或者平板电脑)越来越用户应用程序交互方法

    The browser (whether it be on a computer or mobile device, phone, or tablet) is the means by which more and more people interact with applications.


  • 然后只要笔记本计算机iPhone同一个Wi - Fi网络中,就可以打开iPhone使用Safari浏览器根据IP地址访问我的本地机器,然后访问这个应用程序

    I can then turn on my iPhone and use the Safari browser to go to my local machine by IP address and access the application, as long as my laptop and my iPhone are on the same Wi-Fi network.


  • 尽管计算机可以使用HTML文档语法浏览器显示它们,但是Web计算机无法理解这些内容—即语义。

    While computers can use the syntax of HTML documents to display them to you in a browser, Web computers can't understand the content-the semantics.


  • Chrome第一不同运算的进程分开的浏览器,每个页面或者浏览器插件都可以独立访问计算机资源

    Chrome was the first browser to keep its different computational "processes" separated-each TAB or browser plug-in is given individualized access to your computer's resources.


  • 还有其他远程客户端则使用Web浏览器直接访问服务器而不需要本地计算机安装jazz特定的软件

    And others access the server directly using a web browser, without needing to install Jazz-specific software on their machine.


  • 用户计算机性能。 (浏览器因为系统消耗过多资源其他任务变得响应缓慢)。

    The responsiveness and speed of the visitorscomputer (how busy is the machine with other tasks - as that impedes on the rendering time of the browser)


  • 我们中的一些没有意识我们可以任何时候我们计算机清除所有浏览数据这个操作十分简便,就浏览器设置菜单中(这个菜单根据浏览器不同而不同)。

    Some of us may not realize that we can clear all this browser data from our computers at any time. It’s easy to do through a browser’s Options or Preferences menu.


  • 这种键更正的工具移动浏览器也许拥有完全尺寸键盘计算机更加的有用

    He noted that a typo-correcting tool like this may be even more useful in a mobile browser than it is on a computer with a full-size keyboard.


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