• 一些电脑安全专家建议确保计算机安全最好方法编写出一种那么容易病毒蠕虫其他黑客伎俩破环软件

    Some computer security experts propose that the best way to ensure computer security is to write software that isn't easily breached by viruses, worms and other hacker tricks.


  • 很多计算机病毒蠕虫特洛伊木马的设计利用口令

    Many computer viruses, worms, and Trojan horses are designed to exploit weak passwords.


  • 安全专家估计目前已有七百万以上计算机受到Conficker蠕虫病毒感染,冒险到达一个里程碑

    The Conficker worm has passed a dubious milestone. It has now infected more than 7 million [m] computers, security experts estimate.


  • 如果从不同人计算机发现模型就说明所有那些计算机感染相同的,恶意软件,病毒蠕虫

    The idea being if I find a pattern across multiple people's computers maybe all of those people are infected with the same kind of malware or virus or worm.


  • 计算机用户长久以来受到病毒网络蠕虫以及各种恶意软件侵扰。

    Computer users have for years struggled with viruses, worms and all sorts of malware.


  • 根据美国计算机欺诈滥用法案第1030条(a)(5),故意散布计算机病毒蠕虫进行拒绝服务攻击其他安全入侵的行为是违法的。

    Under section 1030(a)(5) of the U. S. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, it's against the law to knowingly disseminate computer viruses, worms, denial-of-service attacks and other security intrusions.


  • 网病毒蠕虫病毒不一样,它不是原创伊朗计算机系统我们计算机系统也没有什么明显差别。

    Stuxnet isn't spectacularly original, as computer worms go, and those Iranian systems aren't terribly exotic. They're like ours.


  • 建议广大的普通计算机用户更新你病毒软件关注有关蠕虫病毒新闻报导。

    Ordinary PC users are being advised to keep their anti-virus software up to date and watch for news about the worm.


  • 就是说我们可能编出计算机程序,让它正确地鉴别任意的程序是不是一个病毒、蠕虫之类无论解决这个问题上多少计算能力

    That is, it is impossible to write a computer program that will identify correctly whether an arbitrary program is a virus, a worm, etc. - no matter how much computing power is thrown at the problem.


  • 在所有人恐慌之前澄清件事最新Twitter蠕虫只是SecureScience计算机安全人员发明的理论上可行的概念,不是野外的虫子。

    Before everyone panics, let's get one thing clear: the new Twitter worm is only a proof-of-concept devised by computer security researchers at Secure Science - it is not out in the wild.


  • 第一互联网蠕虫病毒之一Morris数千计算机瘫痪。

    One of the first Internet worms, Morris, cripples thousands of computers.


  • 根据美国计算机欺诈滥用法案第1030条(a)(5),故意散布计算机病毒蠕虫进行拒绝服务攻击其他安全入侵的行为是违法的。

    Under section 1030(a)(5) of the U.S. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, it’s against the law to knowingly disseminate computer viruses, worms, denial-of-service attacks and other security intrusions.


  • USB设备保护一个轻量级易于使用应用程序提供必要的安全计算机免受感染各种电子威胁蠕虫usb闪存驱动器

    USB Device Protection is a lightweight and easy-to-use application that provides necessary security to your computer against USB flash drives infected with various e-threats, such as worms.


  • 7月,另一个名为CodeRed”的蠕虫病毒最终导致了全球运行微软IISWebServer的300,000多计算机受到攻击

    In July 2001, another worm named "Code Red" eventually exploited over 300,000 computers worldwide running Microsoft's IIS Web Server.


  • 蠕虫——病毒可以网络自动计算机传播一台。

    Worm - this type of virus is able to spread itself automatically over the network from one computer to the next.


  • Stuxnet蠕虫病毒可以通过感染记忆卡,继而接入计算机US B端口进行传播

    But Stuxnet can spread via infected memory sticks plugged into a computer's USB port.


  • 如果计算机联网的话,一种蠕虫病毒破坏计算机然后利用网络连接破坏其他计算机

    If your computer is connected to the Internet, viruses called worms may infect your machine, then use its connection to seek out and infect other computers.


  • 随着互联网应用深入,网络蠕虫计算机系统安全和网络安全威胁日益增加

    With the wide application of the Internet, worm's threat to security of computer system and security of network increases day by day.


  • 美国网络邮件服务商正在过虑记录在案蠕虫病毒,然而有些病毒却躲过阻挡使不计其数的未受保护计算机受到感染。

    In the United States, Internet and email service providers were blocking the worm in record Numbers, while others were getting through to an untold number of unprotected computer users.


  • USB快速检查一个易于使用应用程序有助于保护计算机免受病毒木马蠕虫其他恶意攻击

    USB Quick Check is a small and easy to use application that will help protect your computer against viruses, trojans, worms and other malicious attacks.


  • 网络防护保护计算机免遭网络蠕虫侵袭

    Network Shield - Provider SettingsNetwork Shield provider protects your computer from Internet worm attacks.


  • 计算机用户访问这些页面可能感染蠕虫下载大量木马病毒

    After computer user visits these pages, may affect vermian download implement with many Trojan virus.


  • 遗憾是,许多计算机用户亲身体验过恶意移动代码(包括病毒蠕虫)造成的后果这些代码可能会损坏毁坏数据会浪费时间和资金。

    Unfortunately, many computer users have experienced firsthand the effects of malicious mobile code, including viruses and worms, which can damage or destroy data and cost time and money.


  • 随着计算机网络应用日益普及复杂性的不断增加,网络蠕虫严重威胁网络安全

    With the rapid growth of computer application and increasing complexities, the Internet worms are seriously threat the net- work security.


  • 由于网络蠕虫泛滥产生巨大危害如何对网络蠕虫进行检测、预警应对已经成为计算机网络安全研究领域一个重要课题

    Because of the huge damage of network worm epidemics, how to detect and response network worms has become an important task in computer network security field.


  • 根据美国计算机欺诈滥用法案第1030条(a)(5),故意散布计算机病毒蠕虫进行拒绝服务攻击其他安全入侵的行为是违法的。

    Under section 1030 (a) (5) of the U. s. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, it's against the law to knowingly disseminate computer viruses, worms, denial-of-service attacks and other security intrusions.


  • 随着计算机技术互联网飞速发展计算机病毒网络蠕虫成为计算机使用者面临最大烦恼

    With the development of computer technology and Internet, computer virus and net worm have become the biggest trouble computer users faced.


  • 随着计算机技术互联网飞速发展计算机病毒网络蠕虫成为计算机使用者面临最大烦恼

    With the development of computer technology and Internet, computer virus and net worm have become the biggest trouble computer users faced.


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