The park was full of lovers billing and cooing under the tress.
Usually people would see that a pair who were falling in love feeding each other in public places.
It is not only bachelors on whom the young ladies confer their affections.
ROME (Reuters) - Italians generally love their mobile phones and often conduct love affairs over them.
Some cities renowned for their singles bars and hook-up scenes were also low in the ranking.
Jack and Jill sat at their table all during the dance billing and cooing like a pair of love birds.
Her parents, Dan and Cindy, remind her she's not allowed to date till she finishes high school.
In these situations it's often kinder to say you aren't available for a relationship right now.
"Life is bitter here," he said thoughtfully. "We don't have any energy left for love."
It is definitely not a part of the fun-filled years of growing up like it is here in America.
If one is too occupied in courting to mind his main business, he stands little chance of success.
Now, more than three decades later, there is nothing private nor scandalous about middle schoolers in love.
To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love; and very lively hopes of Mr. Bingley's heart were entertained.
When others still make efforts, what were you doing at that time? Falling in love? Addicting in imaginations? Or playing basketball unbridled?
Some college students lack of study power and aim, so turn to love to spend time search for happiness.
Mobile phone text messages are changing the way people approach romantic relationships, according to a survey published in the British newspaper the Times.
"I don't think I'm ready for it," I told him. "I don't feel like going through all the effort of romance again, you know?"
Don Draper romanced Bethany at Barbetta (much to Betty's dismay) in Season Four of Mad Men.
It is only one in the zoo. Looking at the other animals under amorism, it can only stay in the corner to kill time.
The lovers chased each other around ladders and balconies, and fairies covered the walls with hearts and thunderclouds scribbled in chalk.
But he felt he had the wealth of the world because he had a devoted wife who always praised him and spoke loving words to him.
Depending on player choices, Juhani may be a romantic interest in the story, regardless of the gender of the player character.
AFTER a week spent in professions of love and schemes of felicity, Mr. Collins was called from his amiable Charlotte by the arrival of Saturday.
AFTER a week spent in professions of love and schemes of felicity, Mr. Collins was called from his amiable Charlotte by the arrival of Saturday.