我们建议开始试用此法的音乐套装为:巴赫的《无伴奏大提琴组曲》6首;贝多芬d大调小提琴协奏曲;勃拉姆斯d大调小提琴协奏曲,作品77号;以及莫扎特第35 ~41号交响曲。
We suggest this starter kit: Bach's six unaccompanied cello suites; Beethoven's Concerto for Violin in d; Brahms's Violin Concerto in d, op. 77; and Mozart's symphonies 35 through 41.
The violinist brought the house down with his performance of the Beethoven violin concerto.
The violinist brought the house down with his performance of the Beethoven violin concerto.