• 首先一天早上7起床闹钟早上然后穿衣服洗脸梳头发,可能要花非常时间

    First of all, every day I get up at 7 o 'clock in the morning, and then wear clothes, wash a face, comb my hair, it may take me ten minutes of time.


  • 一个来自深圳聪明男孩曾经很难按时起床闹钟根本没用。

    Xiaofan, a smart boy from Shenzhen, used to have difficulty in getting up on time, and his alarm clock was of no use at all.


  • 又响了,米兰达知道她得起床了。

    As the alarm clock rang out again, Miranda knew she had to get up.


  • 就算不论何时起床乐事可做(我甚至不会卧室里放闹钟),尽管每天都要起来上班仍想象我会努力拥有这些乐事

    Granted, I have the luxury of getting up whenever I feel like it (I don't even have a clock in my bedroom), but I imagine I would try to have this routine even if I had to get up for work every day.


  • 所以,虽然接下来的假期这么做也许令人不爽,不过下场圣诞派对闹钟,让自己尽早起床,在坐下享受早餐跑跑步吧。

    So, unpleasant as the prospect may be, set your alarm after the next Christmas party to wake you early enough that you can run before sitting down to breakfast.


  • 毕竟一直都早起的人,所以当闹钟响起的时候,并不需要克服很大的困难来起床

    I think my previous early riser conditioning was a more significant factor in being able to get up as soon as the alarm went off.


  • 让自己闹钟响起来的时候起床不过沉沉的大脑总是说服重新回去

    I had intended to get up when it went off, but my foggy brain kept negotiating me right back to sleep.


  • 床头控制版上一个闹钟自己设定起床时间

    There is an alarm clock in the panel at the head of your bed. You just set it to the wake-up time you want.


  • 起床有时候忘记闹钟,结果起床晚了,我床上踉跄爬起;,我叫醒孩子,跟仆人打招呼,作准备;,早餐

    So, I get up and sometimes I don't set the alarm and I get up late; I stagger out of bed; I wake the kids; I greet the servants; I get ready; I make breakfast.


  • 虽然使用闹钟,但是我已经变成了一个在早上四点起床早起者。

    I am already an early riser although I use an alarm clock to start my day at 4am.


  • 十几岁的时候发现可以找到闹钟把他们关掉然后继续睡觉那时起我总是把闹钟放在屋子另一边那样我就必须起床才能关掉只要离开,你就醒了。

    Since then, I’ve always positioned my alarm clock across the room, so that I have to get out of bed to switch it off. So long as you stay out of bed once you’re up, you’re there!


  • 我的妻子:既然都不想在闹钟响起了的时刻就起床,你为什么还有设定闹钟呢?

    Wife: Why do you keep setting your alarm if you aren’t going to get up when it goes off?


  • 可以尝试闹钟设在告诉必须起床时刻之前30分钟自然光亮作用原理相同的。

    You can try setting an alarm 30 minutes before the alarm that tells you, you have to get up, this works in the same principle as the natural light.


  • 闹钟分钟;这几分钟里,可以看看书,杂志报纸,等大家都起床之后,你就可以开始自己要做事情了

    Set your alarm a few minutes early and enjoy a book, magazine, or newspaper before everyone else gets up and you tackle the rest of your list.


  • 一旦养成了这个习惯,可以改变起床时间或是没有设定闹钟的情况下去睡觉不过之前严格保持这种模式

    Once the habit is established, then you can vary your wake-up times or occasionally go without the alarm if you want to sleep in, but until then it's best to keep the pattern very tight.


  • 编辑于5/29/06:不要忘了阅读相关文章如何闹钟响起起床》。

    Edit (5/29/06): Be sure to read the related article How to Get Up Right Away When Your Alarm Goes Off.


  • 闹钟放在远离的地方,不得不起床才能去关掉

    By placing your alarm clock far away from your bed, you'll be forced to get up and turn it off.


  • 按下闹钟的暂停开关是个习惯”,一听到闹钟响,就该起床了。

    Hitting the snooze button is a bad habit. Just say no to the snooze button and get up when your alarm goes off.


  • 不必立马起床(除非闹钟房间一边),后你尽快起来

    You don't have to jump out of bed (unless your alarm clock is on the other side of the room) but you do need to sit up in bed as soon as you wake up.


  • 不仅无法闹钟响起时起床而且自动地自己作对

    Not only will you not get up when your alarm goes off, but you'll also automatically beat yourself up about it.


  • 每天我们闹钟起床迅速吞下早餐后就去公交车

    Every day we jump out of bed with the earsplitting ring of the alarm-clock, swallow a quick breakfast and then rush to catch the bus.


  • 苹果升级iOS之前积极解决方案是,需要起床时间定制重复闹钟你完全起来取消重复闹钟就可以了。

    The active solution to this problem, at least till Apple updates iOS, is to create a recurring alarm at the time you need to be woken up, then disable it once you have completely woken up.


  • 隔夜,詹妮弗便把次日早上要穿的衣服摆在一旁,闹钟六点整,以便起床后有充裕的时间头发

    Jennifer had carefully laid out her clothes the night before an had set the alarm for six so that she would have time to wash her hair.


  • 如果不想周日整个早晨睡觉就把闹钟放在房间这样你就起床关闭

    If you don't want to spend your Sunday morning sleeping, put your alarm clock across the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off.


  • 如果不想周日整个早晨睡觉就把闹钟放在房间这样你就起床关闭

    If you don't want to spend your Sunday morning sleeping, put your alarm clock across the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off.


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