It's analogous to having a computer monitor with lots of very high-density pixels — that makes for a sharper image.
"The images will be very high-definition, and we'll be able to zoom in," Phillips adds.
Digital video and experience ultra-high resolution digital surround audio channels more the acme of enjoyment.
These ultra-high resolution photos allowed the scientists to extend the mass-luminosity relation further than ever before.
Furthermore, by using the principle of ultrahigh resolution frequency measurement, the ultrahigh resolution frequency measurement can be achieved with simple circuits.
Featuring advanced enlargement algorithms, Magnifier enlarges digital pictures to super-high resolution for producing stunning poster-size prints.
The driving program of super-resolution display adapter and the programming method of processing program with 8087 macroassembler are discussed as well.
The combination of frequency modulated continuous wave(FMCW)technology and synthetic aperture radar(SAR)techniques is often used to obtain ultra-high resolution.
最近电影制作技术领域一个引人关注的事件是刚上市只有两个月的超高分辨率数字摄像机Red camera。
The buzz in technical movie-making circles these days involves the two-month-old, ultra-high-resolution digital Red camera.
The camera that snapped this shot on January 29, known as HiRISE, is one of six instruments aboard the Mars-orbiting craft.
Using MATLAB accurate segmentation of the image to make the original ultra-high-resolution image is divided into several parts sent to multiple projectors for projection.
The converters could apparently also be used for optical manipulation of atom-sized objects, inexpensive ultra-high resolution microscopic imaging, and possibly even table-top particle accelerators.
该CCC 1380uh 6x CCC 1380uh系列超高分辨率相机有一个标准的政务司司长镜头接口,可用于固定,手动,或者自动光圈(直流或视频驱动)镜头。
The CCC1380UH6X CCC1380UH Series ultra high resolution camera has a standard CS lens mount and can be used with fixed, manual, or auto iris (DC or video drive) lenses.
该CCC 1380uh 6x CCC 1380uh系列超高分辨率相机有一个标准的政务司司长镜头接口,可用于固定,手动,或者自动光圈(直流或视频驱动)镜头。
The CCC1380UH6X CCC1380UH Series ultra high resolution camera has a standard CS lens mount and can be used with fixed, manual, or auto iris (DC or video drive) lenses.