Always verify that the implemented safeguards accomplish what was intended through follow-up audits.
This article explains the purpose and advantages of the following audit on hospital construction projects;
There is also auditing rent-seeking behavior existing in the whole process of audit.
We complete a desk top audit on the company that includes a training needs analysis.
In audit course, we should pay attention to trail audit, and offer excellent quality service for construction scene in time.
A formal follow-up audit report will be issued and distributed to the original audit report recipients.
Exactly right this paper focuses on the control measure research on the audit mode-the follow-up auditing.
This paper researches on how to strengthen the whole process tracking audit of construction project from the perspective of the internal audit.
It also puts forward some proposals on how to improve the follow-up audit and its specialized courses teaching.
After several year fundamental research and the practice exploration, the follow-up auditing this kind of new audit pattern promotes gradually.
Engineering Follow-up auditing, as a new method, has received good results in the project control, but also greatly increases the audit cost.
Audit after the event is the key link of follow-up audit, including the acceptance test of completion of a project and the examining and approving of the cost of house repairing engineering.
This paper explores such performance audit features as time, functions, goals, results, bases, methods and contents in terms of tracking audit of pubic projects.
In case of major issues, SAIs may carry out audit in a dynamic real-time manner to cover the entire process, aiming at disclosing potential risks by communicating timely and effective audit messages;
Based on the obtained result, puts forward the executive plan and key nodes of tracking audit of universities construction projects. The proposed Countermeasure provides a reference for the practice.
Diagnostic and audit logs very quickly become powerful tools for tracing the execution of running programs whether for debugging purposes or administration and monitoring purposes.
It is highly recommended to regularly back up both the server log files, as they contain all the information required for auditing and tracing of authentication events.
Message Logger for logging, tracing, and auditing via files and databases.
It generates and allows a DBA to maintain an audit trail for a series of predefined database events.
除了提供对每艘船和每个员工的审计跟踪外,SOS - 03还具有双向电话交谈能力,并具有紧急帮助呼叫功能。
In addition to providing an audit trail of each vehicle and employee, the SOS-03 has bi-direction phone conversation capability and emergency help call function.
The command used in Listing 13 displays the generated audit trail.
This may provide an audit trail for compliance reasons, or for other purposes, such as charging for the use of the service.
Either the program should back up automatically as a side effect of changing the state of an account, or the program must maintain an audit trail that lets you undo the changes.
You usually need this level of detail for specialized purposes; such as performance measurements, transaction audit trails, or transactions that take less than a second.
For example, all use cases are subject to access control, audit trail, personalization, and so on.
You can view the audit trails of the rules invocation here, which provide useful information such as the rules fired as well as the flow of rules executed.
Keeping track of the changes as they are made allows for a reconstruction of the record at a point in time and gives a full audit trail of a given record.
Audit: the system will record important events, to allow later tracking of what happened (for example, to catch or file suit against an attacker).
TraceabilityServer 2.0还包含一个审计组件,它可以对系统中的所有主要操作进行跟踪。
The Traceability Server 2.0 also includes an audit component that enables all major operations in the system to be tracked.