The Da Vinci Code has received warm welcome since published and has been listed one of the six best-sellers throughout the history.
她称:“‘达·芬奇密码’的确存在——但并非是那个由于丹·布朗(Dan Brown)而为人们所熟知的‘达·芬奇密码’。”
"There is a da Vinci code - it is just not the one made popular by Dan Brown," she said.
她表示,她已经着手另一篇相关论文的写作,并将会对达·芬奇的“密码”做出解释。 这些“密码”包括黄道十二宫的标志以及达·芬奇所使用的代表一天二十四个小时的24个拉丁字母。
She said she was working on a sequel which would explain da Vinci's "code", involving signs of the zodiac and his use of the 24 letters of the Latin alphabet to represent the 24 hours of the day.
The Mona Lisa features in the opening of Dan Brown's hit novel the da Vinci Code when a Louvre curator is found dead near the painting.
The revelation could have come straight from the pages of Dan Brown's best-seller the Da Vinci Code, in which the Mona Lisa is said to contain hidden clues about the Holy Grail.
There in the bowels of the Louvre...with images of PHI and Da Vinci swirling through his mind, Robert Langdon suddenly and unexpectedly deciphered11 Saunière's code.
There in the bowels of the Louvre...with images of PHI and Da Vinci swirling through his mind, Robert Langdon suddenly and unexpectedly deciphered11 Saunière's code.