• 想让,你就应该被没有意义

    She wanted you to tickle her so you deserve to get scratched, that doesn't make any sense.


  • 不想具体的预测,因为没有意义球员合适。

    I don't want to make any percentages, because it doesn't make sense and it would not be ethical towards the lad.


  • 从来发现证据因为一个存在实体里,整个比例常数概念荒谬没有意义

    No such evidence can ever be found, because the entire concept of constant proportion in a nonexistent entity is absurd and meaningless.


  • 关键:,如果他们自己愿意使用符号没有意义也就应了我们观点,没有单独改变一个群体符号使用方式。

    That's the crucial thing: if they're not willing, the use of the sign doesn't work, which confirms the idea that nothing can be changed simply by individual agency in and of itself.


  • 只是又一首看起来极像我们面前符号,而首诗又有意义群符号没有意义

    There is a poem that exactly resembles this bunch of marks that we see in front of us, and that poem has meaning, but this bunch of marks does not have meaning.


  • 尽管君主主义者谴责无端忽视共和党人认为保持过去加拿大殖民历史联系的做法是陈旧的、越来越没有意义的,自然会导致种结果

    Whereas monarchists condemn such ignorance, republicans believe it is a natural consequence of keeping what they see as an archaic and increasingly meaningless link to Canada's colonial past.


  • 在两者之间确定一个优胜者,完全带有主观性,到最后显得没有意义

    Trying to determine which one is "better" is entirely subjective, and ultimately futile.


  • 起来是个小事相信,我那天那么做,并不是没有意义

    It sounds like a little thing, but I believe that the difference I made in my team that day over that.


  • 发现个人事情根本没有意义,你完全看不为什么他会样做,可能是你没有了解所有信息

    When you don’t understand what the heck is going on or if someone’s actions just aren’t makings sense, it’s likely you don’t have all the information.


  • 安大略省滑铁卢大学工程师杰汀•纳斯瓦尼(JatinNathwani)曾经议会委员会提供相关证据如今在看事件时说:“在看来,完全没有意义。”

    "It makes absolutely no sense to me, " says Jatin Nathwani, an engineer at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, who gave evidence to a parliamentary committee now looking into the affair.


  • 但是另一个谚语建议我们不要不能改变事情得太坏意味着溢出牛奶悲伤没有意义的。

    Yet another proverb advises us not to be concerned about something bad that you cannot change. It says there is no use crying over spilled milk.


  • 意味着溢出牛奶悲伤没有意义的。

    It says there is no use crying over spilled milk.


  • 不过,种对称性对于噪声抑制没有意义系统应当没有信号也能抑制噪声的发生(侵入),事实上,通常系统测试需要做的。

    The system must reject noise even when there is no signal and, in fact, this is usually how system noise testing is done.


  • 不管考验一些事件疾病或是某种关系没有它们生活将只剩下阳光大道,安稳、舒适,但却单调没有意义,不会通往任何地方。

    Without these small tests, if they be events, illnesses or relationships, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere.


  • 阿森纳至今保持不败的纪录而且可能一纪录延续到赛季结尾。但是如果没有赢得冠军保持不败并没有意义

    Arsenal have that unbeaten record and may go through the whole season without losing, but that means nothing without trophies.


  • 意味着和衍生类拥有相同类型和行为,没有意义

    That means objects of the derived class have not only the same type, they also have the same behavior, which doesn't seem particularly interesting.


  • 修剪没有意义植株一部分然而,植株会长以前更加茂盛。需要一个答案

    Pruning makes no sense. You cut off parts of a plant. Yet the plant is supposed to grow back even better than before? This demands an answer.


  • 死亡病例中孕妇达到八成,绝非没有意义

    The pregnant woman in dead case of illness is achieved most probably, this is by no means no point.


  • 担心实在没有意义

    I am concerned that it doesn't make any sense.


  • 来说没有意义只是一个快速查看分配给我工作项,认为并不是控制提供者,它只是工作项目!

    It doesn't make sense to me, it's just a quick view of the WorkItems assigned to me, I thought this had nothing to do with my source control provider, it's just Work Items!


  • 虽然引入克洛维斯描述建议似乎他们的外表遍布北美没有意义的保留;

    While introduces a description of Clovis points and suggests that this appears incompatible with their appearance all over North America, which makes no sense;


  • 我们听到样的话了,“电影打破了类型或是类型的”,是否觉得里的“类型”没有意义更多是作为营销手段

    Too often we hear the phrase, "This movie breaks the genre," or "genre-defying." Do you think maybe "genre" is a misnomer, more effective as a marketing ploy than anything else?


  • 我们听到样的话了,“电影打破了类型或是类型的”,是否觉得里的“类型”没有意义更多是作为营销手段

    Too often we hear the phrase, "This movie breaks the genre," or "genre-defying." Do you think maybe "genre" is a misnomer, more effective as a marketing ploy than anything else?


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