• 通用汽车公司崩坍直至破产不过管理不善衰败的历史当中最新章节而已。

    The collapse of General Motors into bankruptcy is only the latest chapter in a long story of mismanagement and decline.


  • 盖特纳帮助通用汽车公司采取任何可行措施进行重组,即使意味着申请破产,以便让它衰退之后,变得更强有力

    Geithner says he wants to help General Motors do whatever works to restructure, even if it means filing for bankruptcy, and emerge stronger from the recession.


  • 法官批准关于通用汽车公司有益资产转为国有的计划,以此通用加速走出破产保护而扫清道路

    A judge approved the transfer of General Motors' profitable assets to a new government-run entity, clearing the way for the carmaker's speedy exit from bankruptcy protection.


  • 通用汽车公司提供了脱离破产保护以来的第一份财务信息。

    General Motors provided its first financial update since leaving bankruptcy protection.


  • 有人还记得GM(通用汽车公司)破产是如何鲸吞持券人的吗?

    Anyone remember how the bondholders got crammed down in the GM bankruptcy?


  • 年前,美国通用汽车公司(GM)破产了。

    TWO years ago General Motors (GM) went bankrupt.


  • 他们这笔支出通过金融破产这一条理解决办法进行弥补更有作用,或者说通用汽车公司案子,受创的公司重新焕发了生机。

    And they say the pay is more than made up for by a tidier resolution of a financial debacle - or, as in G. M. 's case, the revivification of a wounded company.


  • 他们这笔支出通过金融破产这一条理解决办法进行弥补更有作用,或者说通用汽车公司案子,受创的公司重新焕发了生机。

    And they say the pay is more than made up for by a tidier resolution of a financial debacle - or, as in G.M. 's case, the revivification of a wounded company.


  • 通用汽车公司被迫欧洲业务作为破产程序中的一环出售

    GM has been forced to put its European operations up for sale amid looming bankruptcy proceedings.


  • 美国通用汽车公司周五破产法中起死回生现在必须处理下一步棘手问题——管理团队

    General Motors, which emerged from bankruptcy on Friday, now must tackle its next thorny problem - its own management team.


  • 威尔请求里士满破产法院对待通用汽车公司一样清理债务之后允许博物馆重组恢复运作

    Mr Wilder is asking the bankruptcy court in Richmond to allow his museum to reorganise and resume operations after sorting out its debts, much as General Motors was allowed to do.


  • 为了避免破产通用汽车公司克莱斯勒汽车公司正在他们贷款人债券持有人商谈减少债务事宜。

    General Motors and Chrysler are negotiating with their lenders and bondholders to reduce their debt in order to avoid bankruptcy.


  • 克莱斯勒公司非凡重组更加坚定了信心通用汽车公司很快破产的阴影中走出来成为一个更为强大更具竞争力的企业

    But Chrysler's extraordinary success reaffirms my confidence that GM will emerge from its bankruptcy process quickly, and as a stronger and more competitive company.


  • 去年6月1日通用汽车援引11号法案申请破产保护债务资产的两倍。 通用世界最大汽车公司直到2008年丰田超过

    ON JUNE 1st last year, General Motors, the world’s largest car company until 2008 (when Toyota overtook it), filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection with liabilities that were twice its assets.


  • 报告也是基于之前通用汽车公司宣布破产计划其中要求削减2万个工作岗位

    The report was also based on a survey that was done before the General Motors bankruptcy plan - which calls for more than 20, 000 job cuts - was announced.


  • 4月30日通用汽车公司签署了一项购买破产大宇汽车公司合同

    On April 30th General Motors (GM) signed a contract to buy the bankrupt Daewoo Motor.


  • 通用汽车公司一天申请破产保护份声明中周二一位根据协议条款没有透露身份买家且合同金额。

    GM, a day after filing for bankruptcy, said in a statement on Tuesday that it was not disclosing the identity of the buyer or the value of the deal under the terms of the agreement.


  • 美国纳税人变成通用汽车公司最大股东他们给予汽车制造业者$50十亿美元的生存破产重组摆脱公司债务

    U. S. taxpayers became GM's biggest shareholder when they gave the automaker $50 billion to survive bankruptcy restructuring and emerge as a smaller company with far less debt.


  • 不到半年前,在通用汽车公司主管瑞克·瓦格纳财政部汽车特别工作组开除世界第二汽车公司不会选择破产

    Less than six months ago, before he was ousted by the Treasury's auto task-force, GM's chief executive, Rick Wagoner, said bankruptcy was "not an option" for the world's second-largest car company.


  • 新的通用汽车公司(General Motors Co。)准备最早于周五上午脱离破产保护作为一家更为紧凑、重点更突出的公司获得新生,通用汽车破产保护的时间为40

    The new General Motors Co. is poised to exit Chapter 11 protection as soon as Friday morning, and to emerge as a leaner, more focused company after only 40 days in bankruptcy court.


  • 一旦通用汽车公司(GM)主要卡车家庭现已解散的庞蒂亚克品牌全市进入破产2009年。

    Once the home of General Motors' (GM) primary truck factory and the now-defunct Pontiac brand, the city entered into receivership in 2009.


  • 去年6月1日通用汽车援引11号法案申请破产保护债务资产的两倍。通用世界最大汽车公司直到2008年丰田超过

    On JUNE 1st last year, General Motors, the world's largest car company until 2008 (when Toyota overtook it), filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection with liabilities that were twice its assets.


  • 去年6月1日通用汽车援引11号法案申请破产保护债务资产的两倍。通用世界最大汽车公司直到2008年丰田超过

    On JUNE 1st last year, General Motors, the world's largest car company until 2008 (when Toyota overtook it), filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection with liabilities that were twice its assets.


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