• 宾馆休息室供应酒类饮料

    Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge.


  • 不要酒类饮料除非主人女主人偏爱什么

    Do not bring alcoholic beverages unless you are sure of your host's or hostess's preferences in drinks.


  • 扎克伯格夫妇一瓶,没有点任何酒类饮料

    Instead of wine or beer they opted for a bottle of water and a pot of tea.


  • 中国期间ACES学生酒类饮料包括啤酒红酒

    ACES students shall not drink any alcoholic beverages including beer and wine while in China.


  • 酿造酒厂酒类饮料香料发酵液的投料配料。压装料粮食废渣输送

    Brewage factories: feeding and proportioning of materials of alcoholic drinks, spices and fermenting liquid, feed of filter press and transfer of food residue;


  • 每人每次只能货摊购买酒类饮料,每次只能座位区的售货员那里购买一瓶啤酒。

    There is a limit of two alcoholic beverages per person, per sale at concessions stands on the concourses and one beer per person, per sale from vendors selling in the seating area.


  • 科学家发现咖啡里面咖啡因阿司匹林类的解热镇痛抗炎药成分能够对抗酒精酒类饮料产生化学物质。

    They found the caffeine in coffee and the anti-inflammatory ingredients of aspirin and other painkillers reacted against the chemical compounds of ethanol, or pure alcohol.


  • CPI下降主要由于食品酒类饮料价格在五、六月份出现下跌,去年同期类商品的价格是上涨的。

    CPI was dragged down by food and non-alcoholic drink prices which fell below May and June but increased over the same period last year.


  • 氨基甲酸乙酯致癌物质,研究发现不仅酒类饮料含有氨基甲酸乙酯,而且大豆发酵制品等含酒精的食品同样不同程度的含有此类物质。

    Amino ethyl formate is a kind of carcinogen. Research reported that it existed not only in alcoholic beverages, but also in food without alcohol at different levels such as soy-fermented products.


  • 世界卫生当局发布地图显示,美国人平均每年饮用纯酒7.5—10升。 美国人首选饮料啤酒,其占去酒类消费市场的53%;法国人最爱的饮料是葡萄酒,俄罗斯人最喜欢伏特加

    The preferred drink in the U.S. is beer, accounting for 53 per cent of alcohol consumption, whereas in France the favourite drink is wine and in Russia it is vodka.


  • 酒类家族啤酒是一个较新的成员,而且一直以来它都不被认为是健康饮料

    The newest bad kid on the block, beer has long been overshadowed by its healthier alcoholic Cousins.


  • 全自动装箱酒类各种饮料实现装箱自动化专用设备

    Automatic loading chest machine is a device for special use that the bottles of wines and drinks are loaded automatically.


  • 玻璃包装受到冲击主要来自饮料市场酒类包装市场,市场份额保持

    The impact of the glass package is mainly from soft drink market, but in the wine packaging market, its market share still keep not random.


  • 我们采购豆制品酒类饮料烟花饼干茶叶蔬菜

    We want to buy Bean Products, Liquor and Beverages, Fireworks and Crackers, Tea, Vegetable.


  • 介绍大豆多糖酶改性磷脂功能特性对其食品饮料酒类中的应用进行了综述

    Introduced the functions and properties of Soybean Polysaccharides and Lysophospholipids, and summarized the applications of these two products in food, drink and alcohol.


  • 好玩!聚集到并不是一醉而是品尝不同的饮料酒类专家正在给初学者传授如何饮用这些火辣的酒水

    It is fun! People come here not to get drunk but to taste tasty drinks. Alcohol experts are teaching beginners how to drink fire water.


  • 适用于各种食品饮料酒类礼品化妆品行业包装

    It is widely used in industries as food, beverage, wine, gift and cosmetic packing etc.


  • 管式灌装杀菌豆浆、乳品饮料酒类生产企业的热灌装包装设备配套设计

    Pipe hot filling sterilizer machine is special for soymilk, milk, beverage, alcohol produce enterprise to hot filling packing equipment matched designing.


  • 适合饮料酒类化工药物化妆品等生产厂家必备之生产设备

    Suitable for the beverage, liquor, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics manufacturers bottles of essential production equipment.


  • 设备主要用于鲜奶果汁饮料酒类流体物料杀菌用于豆浆流体物料的杀菌

    This equipment mainly for milk, fruit juices, beverages, alcohol, and other fluid materials Disinfection, can also be used for the sterilization of soybean milk fluid materials.


  • 食品饮料-辛辣食物啤酒葡萄酒其他酒类食品类型引起鼻腔炎症

    Foods and beverages - Hot or spicy food, beer, wine and other alcohol and food types can cause nasal inflammation.


  • 取样葡萄酒酿造后处理各个阶段有着广泛应用,也用于其他酒类饮料储罐

    The sampling valve has broad application at each stage of brewing and post-processing of wine and can be used for storage tanks of other wines or beverages.


  • 根据当前教导同样改良包括食品酒类饮料行业生成污水在内的工业污水。

    Industrial waste water including that generated by the food, wine, and beverage industries, is likewise ameliorated according to the instant teachings.


  • 来自全国各地名特优食品、绿色食品、粮油食品、速冻食品、调味品、酒类饮料土特产品一千企业参展。

    On each fair, more than 1000 enterprises around China take part in the exhibitions and all kinds of famous, special and new products, such as food, wines, beverages, and specialties are on display.


  • 产品广泛应用于酒类食品饮料包装制药印刷化工化妆品机械及邮电涂装工程行业

    Our products are widely used in the industries, such as liquor, food, beverage, packing, pharmacy, print, chemical, cosmetic machine facilities, post and telecommunication painting engineering.


  • 产品广泛应用于酒类食品饮料包装制药印刷化工化妆品机械及邮电涂装工程行业

    Our products are widely used in the industries, such as liquor, food, beverage, packing, pharmacy, print, chemical, cosmetic machine facilities, post and telecommunication painting engineering.


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