The World Meteorological Organization points to Cuba and Bangladesh as examples of countries that have successfully reduced the loss of life caused by natural disasters by taking preventive action.
Start small and don't let your fear of failure or self-doubt stop you from taking action.
Not only that, but you're more likely to take action, work harder, and perform better.
The quicker you make the decision, the quicker you can move forward and take action on both the positive and negative results.
Mehmanparast added Iran would "not give up its rights," to produce nuclear power, and issued a vague threat to take legal action against those trying to prevent it from doing so.
You can do all the strategizing, planning and hypothesizing, but if you don’t take action, nothing’s going to happen.
Health care workers will be able to visit as many as 200 homes each day, perform tests, and take action immediately.
The person making the decision must think very carefully before deciding what course of action to take. It is important to weigh up the pros and cons before the final decision is made.
At that point, the New York Review swung into action, and they did what they always do in these circumstances.
It is important that you take action based on their complaints, as failing to do so will devastate the child's trust and respect in you.
It all adds up to a clear case for more action. Yet Mr. Bernanke indicated that he has done all he's likely to do. Why?
Finally, you need to make a concrete, specific call to action - what the audience can do right now to implement your proposal.
If you're afraid of doing something, just see fear as your friend that's there to support you. It might feel uncomfortable but it's going to work itself out if you take action.
American supervisors could still act to curb their speed; Britain's Treasury recently commissioned a study on the effect of high-frequency traders on markets.
But without binding agreements, there is no mechanism to determine if a country is taking effective action and there are no consequences if they are not.
In the same way, a small positive shift in your attitude can encourage you to take action when you previously were not inclined to do so.
When you feel enthusiasm to do something, it means you've lined up the Energy, and you are being inspired to take action from that point of alignment.
PHYLLIS LEE LEVIN: But, they weren't doing anything. They weren't executing anything at all.
It all comes down to initiative6, that is, taking action to get some thing done at work without waiting for your boss to tell you what to do or when and how to do it.
Admittedly, being cautious really matters. But if we always have to look ahead and behind before we take actions, nothing could be achieved.
Since Germany was heading for elections it was unwilling to act and nothing could be done without Germany.
Internal instability aside, there is another reason why selective containment is unwise: it would severely constrain the international community's future options.
Internal instability aside, there is another reason why selective containment is unwise: it would severely constrain the international community's future options.