The relation between the filter sampling time and cutting error is fuzzed.
The sampling is approached by a rotating compensator at 8 seconds per wavelength.
Moreover calculation and comparison of speed sampling time and error under various working mode are made.
There are some functions as modify sample time or modify controller's parameters on line and display.
So, in order to gain the necessary detail of the traffic, sampling time scale must be selected correctly.
Note 5: a filter on the SDA and SCL inputs suppresses noise spikes and delays the sampling instant.
A continuous and speed change data acquisition method was suggested by iterative calculation of data acquisition time in this paper.
It calculates statistic averages for memory, paging, and CPU activity on a sampling period of a length specified by the user.
Another advantage of this method over classical quantitative controllers is that it does not require a fixed sampling time.
The time interval of image sampling should be shortened to increase the measurement ranges for higher shearing distortion flows.
Sampled systems can be simulated including the effects of discrete sampling times as well as propagation delays caused by processors.
By canonical correlation analysis, sampling time was selected, and foliar mutriment elements closely related to forest tree growth were determined.
The signal average method was used in order to increase the S/N ratio, and the optimum sweep time and average times were experimentally determined.
The main technical parameters (such as sample flow rate, sample time and noise level and so on) are tested and compared with the prototype made in foreign countries.
With the Kalman filter as an instantiation, the changing of the data rate factor along with sample time and distance of target is studied.
The sample circuit samples an output of the decay circuit at a sample time after the decay circuit receives the pulse for the most significant digit.
The identification accuracy is related to the order of the fitting model, sample interval and sample number, and also affected by signal noise, which shows the method should be improved.
In this paper, it is introduced to the influence of cavitation factor, measurement taps, sampling frequency and sampling time on the test result in pressure fluctuation test of the water turbine.
With the fixed stiffness, sag, temperature and so on, survey precision of the tension force of the cable is determined by the sample rate and the sample length of the vibration signal.
During the same period of tracking target, the IMMPDAF can manage radar too, such as adaptively selecting revisit time, detection threshold and radar waveform.
Author suggests that increasing number of measurement taps and prolonging sampling time and enhancing sampling frequency will decrease signals aliasing and leakiness.
In a practical example, a good result is obtained by the adoption of step-varying TD and predicting under the condition of sampled signal with noise and sampled time varying.
In a practical example, a good result is obtained by the adoption of step-varying TD and predicting under the condition of sampled signal with noise and sampled ti...
The impact of sampling time on concentration of collected bacterium, fungus particles and mid-value diameter of particle number are studied by ANDERSEN bioparticle sampler in lab.
There will be an antinomy among sample frequency, memory capacitance and the width of window of sample time for developing the resolving power of LA while we taking the LA to test an digital system.
The system uses C8051F monolithic as control chip, JN5121 module and gas sensor, can automatically record inspection locations, sampling time, gas concentration and so on.
Time sampling means that researchers choose various time intervals for their observation.
The more sound samples you intend to process per notification, the more powerful your hardware should be to reduce the time spent synthesizing your alert sounds.
The more sound samples you intend to process per notification, the more powerful your hardware should be to reduce the time spent synthesizing your alert sounds.