• 里约旅游看到里约热内卢快乐生活方式

    A trip to Rio will give you a glimpse of the happily lifestyle of the carious.


  • 里约热内卢里约热内卢生活方式有一个粗略了解。

    A trip to Rio will also give you a glimpse of the happy lifestyle of the Cariocas.


  • 狂欢节每年都会大斋节开始举行,届时里约热内卢人穿着盛装,上色彩载歌载舞

    The Carnival takes place each year at the beginning of Lent, when Rio comes alive with colour, rhythm and a sense of theatre.


  • 去过巴西好几了,直到最后一才发现我真正的当地土著,货真价实的里约热内卢

    I've visited Brazil many times, and on my last trip I convinced myself that I was an honorary Carioca, a true Rio native.


  • 警方估计,有30 000里约热内卢,即里约居民,他们蜂拥科帕卡巴纳海滩庆祝巴西胜利

    Police estimated that close to 30, 000 cariocas, as residents of Rio are known flooded onto Copacabana beach to celebrate Brazil's win.


  • 里约之旅带来里约热内卢愉悦生活一瞥他们以宽阔的胸怀友好的态度而著称于世。

    A trip to Rio will also give you a glimpse of the happy lifestyle of the cariocas-the people of Rio-who are known for their big hearts and friendliness.


  • 去过巴西好几次了,直到最后一才发现我是个真正的当地土著,货真价实里约热内卢人。就这点来看,我游览世界著名的。

    I've visited Brazil many times, and on my last trip I convinced myself that I was an honorary carioca.


  • 巴西里约热内卢州遭遇30年来最大暴雨袭击,引发洪水山体滑坡,目前已造成96死亡,106受伤

    The heaviest rains in 30 years in Brazil's state of Rio de Janeiro have triggered floods and landslides, killing at least 96 people and injuring 106 others.


  • 近日来,里约热内卢南部山脉附近城镇遭遇洪水泥石流死亡增加740另有21,500失所

    The death toll from the recent flooding and mud landslides in towns located near the mountains behind Rio de Janeiro rose to at least 740. Another 21, 500 people have been left homeless.


  • 近日来,里约热内卢南部山脉附近城镇遭遇洪水泥石流死亡增加740另有21,500失所

    The death toll from the recent flooding and mud landslides in towns located near the mountains behind Rio DE Janeiro rose to at least 740. Another 21,500 people have been left homeless.


  • 巴西里约热内卢超过100豪雨带来的泥石流淹死。

    In Brazil more than 100 people were killed after hours of torrential rains triggered mudslides in Rio de Janeiro state.


  • 周日晚间架载有228飞机里约热内卢起飞将近4个小时消失

    The plane, with 228 people on board, disappeared nearly four hours after having left Rio de Janeiro airport on Sunday night.


  • 巴西东南部洪水灾害山体滑坡导致70余死亡其中30位于里约热内卢的格兰德岛上的一家埋没的旅馆

    Floods and landslides killed more than 70 people in south-eastern Brazil, almost 30 of them when a hotel in Ilha Grande, in Rio DE Janeiro state, was buried.


  • 通过打篮球精神已经恢复现在,他希望参加2016年里约热内卢举办残疾奥运会

    Through basketball, he recovered mentally and now he wants to compete in the Paralympic Games in Rio 2016.


  • 根据公司发言的说法,迈克尔·哈里斯里约热内卢一个公司的地质学家。

    Michael Harris was a company geologist in Rio de Janeiro, according to a company spokesman.


  • 法航发言布里吉特·巴兰德(BrigitteBarrand)说:“法国航空遗憾宣布,法航里约热内卢巴黎的447航班没有消息。”

    "Air France regrets to announce that it is without news from Air France flight 447, flying from Rio to Paris, " Brigitte Barrand, a spokeswoman for the airline, said.


  • 近年来,里约热内卢有钱开始同样一件事,在邻近拥有高贵名称城镇,例如Petrópolis, TeresópolisNovaFriburgo,利用纯花岗石壁和茂密森林打造自己的周末度假宫廷

    More recently Rio’s rich have done the same, carving weekend palaces from the sheer granite walls and dense forests shouldering towns with noble names like Petrópolis, Teresópolis and Nova Friburgo.


  • 客机里约热内卢飞往巴黎的途中坠毁,机上228全部罹难

    The plane went down while travelling from Rio de Janeiro to Paris, killing all 228 people on board.


  • 法航里约热内卢飞往巴黎飞机在途中坠毁,造成228遇难

    The Air France jet flying from Rio DE Janeiro to Paris went down with the loss of 228 lives.


  • 巴西,加里达菲报道称, 巴西里约热内卢暴雨山地滑坡已经造成至少30死亡。

    Heavy rain and landslides in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro have killed at least 30 people.


  • 搜救小组目前已发现16遗体其他飞机残骸。飞机里约热内卢飞往巴黎途中失踪,机上228遇难

    Search teams have so far recovered 16 bodies as well as other debris. 228 people died when the plane disappeared on its way from Rio DE Janeiro to Paris.


  • 巴西城市里约热内卢日前发生泥石流洪涝灾害,造成至少110死亡目前救援正在全力搜救生还者

    Rescuers are searching for survivors in the Rio DE Janiero area of Brazil after landslides and floods left at least 110 people dead.


  • 避免遇见葡萄牙麦哲伦一直行驶,最后抵达一个废弃港口把它叫做卢西亚,即现在里约热内卢

    In order to avoid the Portuguese, Magellan headed south until he came to a deserted harbour , which he called the Bay of Santa Lucia, now known as Rio de Janeiro Bay.


  • 国际奥委会指派了一个小组哪些俄罗斯运动员资格参加里约热内卢夏季奥运会做出最后裁决

    The IOC has appointed a three-person panel to make a last-minute ruling on which Russian athletes are eligible to compete in the Rio Games.


  • 英国音乐艾尔顿·约翰摇滚音乐节里约热内卢里约热内卢9月23日,2011年执行

    British musician Elton John performs at the Rock in Rio music Festival in Rio DE Janeiro September 23, 2011.


  • 英国音乐艾尔顿·约翰摇滚音乐节里约热内卢里约热内卢9月23日,2011年执行

    British musician Elton John performs at the Rock in Rio music Festival in Rio DE Janeiro September 23, 2011.


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