• 钢筋网结构岩巷支护工程中一新型支护形式

    The reinforced shell structure is a new kind of forms in the supporting engineering for soft rock tunnel.


  • 钢筋网结构岩巷支护工程中一种新型支护形式

    The reinforced shell structure was a new kind of supporting forms in the soft rock tunnel supporting engineering.


  • 建筑施工中,制混凝土用于钢筋钢筋网结构保护层。

    For structural uses, shotcrete is usually sprayed over a framework of reinforcing bars and steel mesh.


  • 早期砖混结构圈梁构造柱砖墙的钢筋网砂浆面层加固为主。

    Early masonry-concrete structure strengthening methods mainly fastens on ring beam and construction column and masonry strengthening with plaster splity.


  • 采用水泥砂浆钢筋网水泥砂浆面层加固砌体进行试验研究

    The article studies the experiment with the cover with cement mortar and the cover with reinforced cement to strengthen brick masonry.


  • 金属制品以及螺纹钢筋网烧烤工艺不锈钢工艺品等。

    Metal products, reinforcement wire mesh, barbecue wire mesh and stainless steel craft products.


  • 介绍一种墙面钢筋网砂浆面层加固轴心受压砖墙的计算方法

    A compute method used in strengthening combined wall under uniaxial compress with network and mortar on the surface has been introduced in this paper.


  • 钢筋网绑扎基础相同注意上部筋,防止下。

    The steel plate and pipe network infrastructure, but they should pay attention to the Ministry of negative reinforcement plate to prevent fall into.


  • 采用增设钢筋网水泥砂浆面层加固砖砌体、置换原有木楼木屋

    The brick walls are strengthened with reinforcing mesh, to replace the original wooden ceiling and roof frame.


  • 钢筋混凝土焊接钢筋网广泛应用普通混凝土构件混凝土构件。

    The welding wire-mesh reinforcement for concrete is extensively used in common concrete component and spot pour.


  • 品种建筑系列分为电焊片、钢筋网片、地暖片、钢丝

    Varieties of building net series is divided into: welded wire mesh, mesh sheet, floor heating mesh, wire mesh etc...


  • 顶部体育馆好像被浅色钢筋网覆盖树枝编织成鸟巢一样。

    Viewed from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it look just like a birds nest made of tree branches.


  • 如:原材料质量关,掺入膨胀增加钢筋网采用二次振捣等等

    The measures contain: good raw materials, adding swelling agent, adding reinforcing steel net to preventing cracking and using second tamping. Through those methods and strictly control...


  • 通过分析比较验证了钢筋网用于重力式码头结构可行性优越性

    The feasibility and superiority of the steel mesh sand guard structure to prevent sand leakage for gravity quay walls was verified by way of the analysis and comparison.


  • 因为保护层过大钢筋网不到抗作用,保护层容易引起桥面铺装裂缝

    Because the protective layer is too large, the steel mesh can not play the role of anti crack, the protective layer is too small, easy to cause the cracks in the bridge deck pavement.


  • 欧洲规适用带肋钢筋焊接钢筋包括钢筋网许可焊接方法表3.4。

    P This Eurocode applies to ribbed and weldable reinforcement, including fabric. The permitted welding methods are given in Table 3.4.


  • 高性能水泥复合砂浆钢筋网加固方法种新型无机材料加固建筑结构方法。

    As a new strengthening building method, strengthening structures with high performance ferrocement laminate has advantages of low cost and convenience construction.


  • 另一种方法混凝土浇注足够厚度然后钢筋网入到其中预先确定的深度

    Another method is to pour the entire thickness of concrete and then force the steel mesh down into it to a predetermined level.


  • 高性能水泥复合砂浆钢筋网加固的混凝土桥梁构件进行正截面等幅疲劳研究

    The bending response of bridge structural members strengthened with high-performance ferrocement considering fatigue load were experimentally investigated.


  • 高性能水泥复合砂浆钢筋网加固混凝土桥梁受弯构件进行截面等幅疲劳研究。

    The shear responses of reinforced concrete(RC) beams strengthened with high-performance ferrocement are experimentally investigated.


  • 试验测量轴压试件极限荷载混凝土应变钢筋应变、钢筋网应变以及复合砂浆应变。

    In the experiment the strain of concrete, steel bar, steel mesh, composite mortar and the ultimate load carrying capacity are tested.


  • 高性能水泥复合砂浆钢筋网加固钢筋混凝土梁进行了正截面受静力等幅疲劳试验研究

    In this paper, the bending response of RC beams strengthened with high-performance ferrocement considering static and fatigue load were investigated.


  • 高性能水泥复合砂浆钢筋网加固钢筋混凝土梁进行了正截面受弯静力等幅疲劳试验研究

    This paper deals with the numerical and experimental researches on the out-of-plane behavior of un-reinforced masonry walls strengthened with ferrocement.


  • 上面,这座体育馆像是灰色钢筋网盖住了看上去一个用树枝垒起来的鸟巢

    Viewed from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel and it looks just like a bird's nest made of tree branches.


  • 预应力框架柱所配纵筋代替锚固钢筋网局部承压进行了12个试件试验研究。

    The partially pressed tests of 12 rc members using longitudinal-steel and hoop-steel instead of reinforcing mat in anchoring area are made.


  • 西安市西北大酒店二层客房增加五层,对地基结构墙体加固补强,采用预压托换及钢筋网片夹板墙

    Precompressed pile foundation under pinning technique is used to reinforce the foundation and structural wall for adding the building named Xibei hotel from two floors to seven floors in Xian city.


  • 结果表明焊接电流越强,电极压力越大,焊接通电时间越长时,钢筋网焊点越低,压深度越大

    The results indicate that with the increase of the welding current, welding press and electrifying time, there are decreased in rate of false welding and increased in pressed depth.


  • 本文钢筋网水泥砂浆面层加固开裂墙体进行了试验分析加固墙体抗弯能力能力。发生弯剪破坏时,加固墙体抗剪能力高于抗弯能力。

    In this paper, cracking masonry walls strengthened by coating cement mortar with steel meshes were tested, and the bending and shearing capacity of the strengthened wall are analyzed.


  • 膜型结构钢筋混凝土膜型扁基础上,构思出一种新的空间结构形式。

    The filmy flat latticed shell is a new space structural system developed on the basis of the RC filmy flat shell.


  • 介绍了在破碎岩体中施工立眼煤仓,采用带、锚索钢筋混凝土联合支护应用,立眼煤仓施工中使用帮锚索,在益新煤矿还是首例。

    This article introduces the application of how to construct the coal depot, and combined support with anchor mesh shotcrete, steel strape, anchor rope, steel and concrete.


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