• 我国国有商业银行传统信贷管理制度未能对信贷人员代理行为形成有效约束从而导致大量银行坏帐的产生。

    There is no effective constraint to the credit in the Chinese traditional credit management systems, which result in the enormous bad debt and low quality assets of the state-owned commercial bank.


  • 如果这样,更多必要的,据说巴拉克·巴马团队将建立一个坏帐银行容纳不良贷款将更多资本注入银行

    More will be necessary if, as is rumoured, Barack Obama's team creates a bad bank to take on troubled loans and puts more capital into Banks.


  • 日本监管者段时间以来则银行狼狈为奸,共同隐藏坏帐

    But Japan's regulators for a long while were in cahoots with Banks over hiding their bad loans.


  • 说,美国投资银行做出了过度贷款制造一个房地产泡沫并且导致借贷者因为坏帐而出现资不抵债的现象。

    She says American investment Banks have made excessive loans, which created a real estate bubble and made the lenders insolvent on bad debt.


  • 一些经济学家担心贷款猛增银行背负更多贷款坏帐

    Some economists also worry that the spate of new lending will burden Banks with more bad loans.


  • 管2008年第四季度息差不断下降坏帐准备金显著提高,但中国银行去年可能仍实现利润增长,令它们西方同行相形见绌。

    China's four big Banks are expected to report profit increases for 2008, outshining their Western peers despite falling interest margins and increased provisioning in the fourth quarter.


  • 泡沫破灭时,各家银行巨额坏帐

    When the bubble bursts, the Banks will be sitting on a huge amount of bad debt.


  • 面临近期资本募集遇到的困难银行通过收紧贷款对抗进一步坏帐注销(write - offs)局面,而这些措施经济带来更大压力

    Given their recent difficulties in raising capital, Banks might react to further write-offs by being even more conservative in their lending, putting greater pressure on the economy.


  • 坏帐其他问题集合,它们导致银行巨额亏损、促成信贷危机、令经济陷入衰退(2008年9月至2009年5月)。

    A collection of bad loans and other botched financial bets that caused big losses for Banks, prompted a credit crunch and sank the economy (Sept. 2008 to May 2009).


  • 坏帐银行则继承了银行不良资产剩余资本——资产标价降低,资金自然会有所不足

    The "bad bank" inherits the bad assets and the rest of the capital - which, after appropriate markdowns of the assets, will not be enough.


  • 对于银行网点较少,合法经济雇佣人数很少尼日利亚来说,有点过头了,如今银行三分之一的资产沦为坏帐

    With small branch networks and relatively few people in the formal economy, this was too much.About a third of the system by assets is now distressed.


  • 在经历本世纪几年痛苦缓慢调整后,日本银行终于清理干净了自己如山坏帐日本企业经过重组重新恢复了活力。

    After years of painfully slow progress earlier this decade, the nation's banks finally cleaned up their mountains of bad debt and companies restructured to regain their health.


  • 与其建立一个坏帐银行有毒资产银行负债表中剔除出来,财政部还是决定自己变成实际上灾难保险公司

    Rather than setting up a "bad bank" to take these toxic assets off the Banks' balance-sheets, the Treasury has decided to turn itself, in effect, into a catastrophe insurer.


  • 我们银行体系强大本地注册银行资本充足比率平均为17%,坏帐比率则低于2%。

    Our banking system is strong, with capital adequacy ratios of locally incorporated Banks averaging 17% and bad debt ratios of less than 2%.


  • 人们担心一旦经济增长导致泡沫经济爆发银行将会被坏帐所累。

    Concerns are mounting that the boom could cause property bubbles that weigh down Banks with bad debt when they burst.


  • 女士计算出未来如果银行系统信贷十分之一变质,趋向坏帐所有利润以及系统股本的39%消失

    Ms Chu calculates that if a tenth of the banking system's outstanding credit turns sour over the next two years, all profits and 39% of the system's equity will be wiped out.


  • 此举引发短期反弹没有解决根本问题瑞士信贷银行上周表示坏帐可能高达60%银行股权

    The move triggered a short rally, but it did not solve the fundamental problem: Credit Suisse last week said that bad debt could be as much as 60% of bank equity.


  • 伦敦银行同业拆放利率被用来衡量借贷者坏帐担忧程度,一利率的改善趋势已经持续将近星期

    The "Libor" rate measures how worried lenders are that they might not be repaid, and it has been gradually improving (i. e. , declining) for about two weeks.


  • 伦敦银行同业拆放利率被用来衡量借贷者坏帐担忧程度,一利率的改善趋势已经持续将近星期

    The "Libor" rate measures how worried lenders are that they might not be repaid, and it has been gradually improving (i. e. , declining) for about two weeks.


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