After selecting your preferred download mirror, the download should begin.
No scraper sites, mirror sites, link farms or free for all link exchanges.
We replicated this design at the disaster recovery (DR) site (the remote mirror site in Figure 1).
At the same time, accelerating the global mirror site construction, start building a network of video-sharing platform.
从DSLLinux存储库镜像站点下载适当的. ISO文件。
Download the proper.iso image from the DSL Linux repository mirrors. You have three options.
GNU tools can be downloaded from the GNU Web site, or your local GNU mirror.
Eclipse might ask you to choose from a list of mirror sites for the Callisto Discovery site.
A list of mirrors feature that automatically when the server time-out to other servers to download files.
As of January 2001 it contains 749 megabytes of information, and is mirrored at more than one hundred sites around the world.
Attempts to patch my existing kernel were unsuccessful, so I recommend downloading the latest kernel from your favorite mirror.
Since it's a Debian variant, users will be able to add and upgrade packages directly from Debian mirrors.
In the meantime, you can get live updates from the myql_community account on Twitter, or access MySQL documentation or downloads from mirrors like this or this.
Visit the JaxMe project site (see Resources for links) and download the binaries from one of the Apache mirrors.
Go to the Eclipse downloads page, pick a mirror site, and download the latest stable build or the latest release (2.1).
For example, when a Task is in an Opened state, the default Developer Lead is the owner of the Task, and the record is mastered at the Dev Lead's database replica site.
例如,如果您的镜像站点在Web服务器上名为server1,您的policy . xml文件将与清单4中所示的内容类似。
For example, if your mirror site is on a Web server named server1, your policy.xml file will be similar to that shown in Listing 4.
Whether that means you would package the software as part of your own program, or simply provide a mirror so your friends can download it directly from you.
我的经验是所有镜像站点速度都非常慢;我是通过p 2 p网络来查找文件名为yellowdog- 5.0 -phoenix - 20061208 - PS 3 .iso的iso文件的,这样速度更快。
My experience is that all the mirrors are quite slow; I got the install iso much faster by searching a P2P network for the filename yellowdog-5.0-phoenix-20061208-PS3.iso.
For each product that you can update from your local mirror of the update server, you should have one URL map for the update site, and another URL map for the discovery site.
For each product that you can update from your local mirror of the update server, you should have one URL map for the update site, and another URL map for the discovery site.