• 尤其正值长期竞争对手微软准备本周发售最新操作系统Windows 7之际,苹果Macintosh电脑销售业绩必将振员工的士气。

    In particular, the news of Macintosh sales will give them a boost since it comes just as long-term rival Microsoft prepares to release a new version of its Windows software on Thursday.


  • 两名主要竞争对手由于长期政治流放处于不利地位

    His two main rivals suffer the disadvantage of having been long-term political exiles.


  • 然而为了平等而模仿竞争对手薪酬政策意味着忽视了薪酬作为一种强调长期绩效手段价值

    However, mimicking the compensation policy of competitors for the sake of parity means neglecting the value of compensation as a means of stressing long-term performance.


  • 即便如此相比大多数竞争对手雅高集团拥有(长期租赁)较多酒店

    Even so, Accor will still own (or lease long-term) more hotels than most of its rivals.


  • 相反如果看到公司市场份额竞争对手夺走可能长期信号,很可能就是一个卖出理由

    On the other hand, if you see the company losing market share to competitors that could be a sign of long-term weakness and likely a reason to sell.


  • 某些标准看,西门子的迅猛增长甚至主要竞争对手世界上长期占据统治地位的通用电气公司身后

    Siemens’s growth spurt has even placed it ahead of its archrival, General Electric (GE), long the world’s dominant industrial company, on some measures.


  • 长期以来,华为中兴一直激烈竞争对手双方总部深圳。双方的竞争激烈双方的高管都讨厌拿来对方进行比较的程度。

    Huawei and ZTE have long been fierce competitors. Both have their headquarters in Shenzhen and the rivalry goes so far that their executives resent being compared with each other.


  • 赫德惠普离职引发了与其长期合作伙伴竞争对手——甲骨文的口水战

    Hurd's departure from HP touched off an ugly spat with Oracle, its long-time partner and more recent rival.


  • 而且鉴于银行业存在普遍担忧银行或许也不会信任竞争对手,而把长期贷给他们

    Of course, they could still lend long to each other. But given the general worries about the sector, Banks may be unwilling to trust their competitors with long-term money.


  • Intel每年花费数十亿美元保证芯片制造厂继续领先竞争对手长期以来有着制造运算速度快大型芯片的嗜好。

    The company spends billions of dollars a year to keep its chip manufacturing plants ahead of rivals and has long demonstrated a penchant for making fast, big chips.


  • 某些标准看,西门子的迅猛增长甚至主要竞争对手世界上长期占据统治地位的通用电气公司身后

    Siemens's growth spurt has even placed it ahead of its archrival, General Electric (GE), long the world's dominant industrial company, on some measures.


  • 宣布80-G B的日立公司超越了过去长期基本竞争对手利基日本东芝公司

    Announcing 80 - GB Hitachi overtook at long last its basic competitor in this niche, Japanese Toshiba.


  • 事实长期美国钢铁可能替代产品伤害而不是直接竞争对手钢铁公司

    S. Steel is more likely to be hurt in the long run by substitute products than by its immediate steel company rivals. U.


  • 自从哈马斯2006年的选举中战胜Fatah紧接着2007年在加沙地带拥有强制收购权,竞争对手已经长期愤怒激烈的不和。

    At daggers drawn since Hamas followed its election triumph over Fatah in 2006 with a preemptive coup in Gaza in 2007, the rivals have feuded bitterly and violently.


  • 此后波音与其竞争对手空中客车公司中国启动了长期飞行员培训项目邀请外国专家开展飞行机械方面的培训。

    Later, Boeing and European rival Airbus set up permanent pilot training programs in China , which also welcomed a small army of foreign experts to train mechanics.


  • 瑞士联合银行位于班霍夫大街瑞士信贷仅几步之遥,也强大、事故率更高的竞争对手。 瑞士联合银行很可能11月17号宣布投资银行部门的长期计划

    UBS, Credit Suisse's bigger and more accident-prone rival a few doors up on Bahnhofstrasse, will probably announce further-reaching plans for its investment bank on November 17th.


  • 瑞士联合银行位于班霍夫大街瑞士信贷仅几步之遥,也强大、事故率更高的竞争对手。 瑞士联合银行很可能11月17号宣布投资银行部门的长期计划

    UBS, Credit Suisse's bigger and more accident-prone rival a few doors up on Bahnhofstrasse, will probably announce further-reaching plans for its investment bank on November 17th.


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