• 是对乌兹别克斯坦生活的匆匆一瞥,其中既有友好和温暖的一面,也有社会阴暗的一面

    This is a quick look at life in Uzbekistan, made of friendliness and warmth, but also its darker side of society.


  • 思想中阴暗一面丈夫女儿身上所缺乏的;

    She had a dark side her husband and daughter lacked, but it enabled her to see the darkness in others that they missed.


  • 也许没有充分估计阴暗一面也是不容忽视的。

    He did not, perhaps, take sufficiently into consideration the fact that the dark side escaped him.


  • 然而我们研究结果显示阴暗一面嗜睡

    However, our findings suggest a darker side to this sleepiness, as well.


  • 功能强大网页保护模块可以让远离互联网阴暗一面

    The versatile Web Control module safeguards you against the Internet's darker side.


  • 这里阴暗一面:“刻薄,”夫龙的一些朋友影片抱怨道

    There was a dark side to this: "She was mean, " some of Ephron's friends complain in the film.


  • 来说,承诺阴暗一面某种黑暗的驱使时不时地决心走到哪步

    But for me, commitment has a shadow side, a darker drive that constantly asks the question how far am I willing to go.


  • 虚拟社区合法益处被证明是巨大的但是人们认识这种尖端技术阴暗一面

    The legitimate benefits of virtual communities will prove enormous, but people need to be aware that this cutting-edge technology has a darker side.


  • 不过,人们现在发现,青春期还有鲜有人了解的较为阴暗一面青少年阶段,焦虑恐惧会激增

    But there is a darker side to adolescence that, until now, was poorly understood: a surge during teenage years in anxiety and fearfulness.


  • 去过罗马,曾见到阴暗一面:在交通十字路口一个人都同时去自己去的地方,结果每个人都无法

    I've been to Rome, so I've seen the dark side: a traffic intersection where everybody decides to get where they're going at the same time, so no one gets anywhere.


  • 旧金山诗人LewWelch狂想曲一般宣言《最终/自来水》中捕捉住复古愿景阴暗一面

    The San Francisco poet Lew Welch captured the dark side of the Reversionary vision, in his rhapsodic manifesto Final City/Tap City.


  • 甚至父母回绝这些儿童重新回到家庭怀抱,由于这些儿童兵士的过来埋伏着阴暗的一面,正如Murhula的亲生阅历

    Even parents often refuse to take these children back into the folds of their families because, as Murhula's example shows, there is a dark truth lurking in many a former child soldier's past.


  • 作为自己看作意大利体制”之组成部分42单身母亲,达达里奥的经历阴暗一面意大利,商人付钱让女性取悦政客

    There is also a dark side to the experience of the 42-year-old single mother who sees herself as part of the "system" in Italy, where businessmen pay women to entertain politicians.


  • 阿让可以阴暗一边顺着房屋墙壁朝前走,同时窥伺明亮一面

    Jean Valjean could glide along close to the houses on the dark side, and yet keep watch on the light side.


  • 知道你们有没有人想过这个问题,不想自然阴暗面,无法驯化的一面

    I wonder have any of you reflected on, I don't want to call it shadow side, is not domesticated.


  • 离开童话般的小木屋,回到残酷现实世界中,突然面对俄罗斯阴暗一面我们感到颇为伤感。

    We were sad to leave our fairytale lodge for the harshness of the ordinary world, where the other side of Russia confronted us all too suddenly.


  • 如果这种感情阴暗面,它有些自私自以为是,有那种使人民蒙受苦难的本土主义情结,但是阳光一面

    If the mood sometimes had its shadowed side, a touch of self-righteousness and meanness, a hint of the old nativist punitive zeal, it also showed great shine.


  • 我们知道在那里,知道它的真面目,我们也知道阴暗面显露他丑陋一面的时候,我们也知道怎么处理

    We know it's there, we know what it looks like, and we know what to do when it shows its ugly face.


  • 约克阴暗一面,可妻子整个始终如一的阴霾天性上找到一致相似之处。 。

    Yorke's shadowy side found sympathy and affinity in the whole of his wife's uniformly overcast nature.


  • 万事万物两面可以看到好的一面必然存在阴暗那面。

    Everything has double sides, if you see a good side, there must be a dark one.


  • 约克阴暗一面,可妻子整个始终如一的阴霾天性找到一致相似之处。

    Yorke's shadowy side found sympathy and affinity in the whole of his wife's uniformly overcast nature.


  • 魏晋名士人格心态不但其光明正确一面而且阴暗扭曲一面

    The personality and heart of those famous people who lived in Wei Jin Dynasty has not only bright and correct side but also has dim and twisted one.


  • 面对光明阴暗永远身后光明一面会更多地获得成功机会我们永远面对光明

    When you stand in the face of lights, shade is always left behind. Often looking towards the bright side gains for you more opportunity of success. Let us face light forever.


  • 喜欢向上我会注意力集中生活中光明一面,忽略那些阴暗的角落。天性个人选择使我成了一个乐观主义者。

    I believe in the upward look. I choose to highlight the positive and slip right over the negative. I am an optimist by choice as much as by nature.


  • 面对光明阴暗永远身后光明一面更多获得成功机会我们永远面对光明

    When you stand in the face of lights, shade is always left behind. Often looking towards the bright side gains for you more opportunity of sussess. Let us face light forever.


  • 面对光明阴暗永远身后光明一面更多获得成功机会我们永远面对光明

    When you stand in the face of lights, shade is always left behind. Often looking towards the bright side gains for you more opportunity of sussess. Let us face light forever.


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