• 当然阿富汗女孩国家地理杂志摄影师史蒂夫·麦柯里的图片拍摄

    And of course the Afghan girl, picture shot by National Geographic photographer Steve McCurry.


  • 阿富汗喀布尔:喀布尔郊外无家可归营地阿富汗女孩帐篷水果

    Kabul, Afghanistan: an Afghan girl eats fruit near her tent at a camp for displaced people on the outskirts of Kabul.


  • 美国妇女资助了体育馆,2011年九月7在喀布尔,一个阿富汗女孩体操

    42an Afghan girl practices during gymnastics class at a U.S. funded gymnasium for women women, September 7, 2011 in Kabul.


  • 10月12日,一名乡村学校阿富汗女孩正在课堂上聚精会神地老师讲课

    An Afghan girl listens to the teacher during class at the Naswani school October 12 2010 in Eraq village Afghanistan.


  • 6月20日,巴德吉斯附近冲突受伤阿富汗女孩赫拉特医院等候治疗

    An Afghan girl awaits treatment in a Herat hospital after being wounded in a clash in the nearby Afghan province of Badghis June 20, 2010.


  • 1985年6月封面那双绿眼睛凝视前方,人们久久不能忘怀。17无名女孩,是一位难民当时不知姓名只能简单得称为阿富汗女孩”。

    The haunting green eyes that stared out from the June 1985 cover of National Geographic belonged to an unknown refugee who for 17 years was identified simply as the "Afghan girl."


  • 10月26日,阿富汗首都喀布尔。身患利什曼病(Leishmaniasis)的14岁阿富汗女孩正在等待接受世界卫生组织专家提供的免费治疗

    Shafiqa, 14, waits for treatment at a free specialized clinic for leishmaniasis supported by World Health Organization (WHO) October 26, 2010 in Kabul, Afghanistan.


  • 我们必须阿富汗女孩开始认识拯救一个生命就是拯救人类自己

    We must begin with the young Afghan girl, recognizing that saving that one life is to save humanity itself.


  • 大家记得开始讲演提到今天阿富汗出生一个女孩

    You will recall that I began my address with a reference to the girl born in Afghanistan today.


  • 几个世纪以来,家族各个家庭包办婚姻都成了社会契约一部分尽管阿富汗法定结婚年龄女孩16岁男孩18岁,但是家族和各个家庭还是继续包办婚姻。

    Forced marriages involving girls have been part of the social compacts between tribes and families for centuries, and they continue, though the legal marrying age is now 16 for women and 18 for men.


  • 今天阿富汗出生女孩,她开始过的生活,与人类少部分实现富足生活相比,相去几个世纪

    But to be born a girl in today's Afghanistan is to begin life centuries away from the prosperity that one small part of humanity has achieved.


  • 上个月两个阿富汗男子围着O志愿者要求他们女孩喷泉广场离开。

    One day last month, two young Afghan men confronted Percovich and a volunteer and demanded that they remove girls from the skating fountain.


  • 阿富汗曾经牺牲女孩教育这一次问题更加复杂

    The education of girls has been sacrificed in Afghanistan, and again, the problem is more widespread.


  • 但是在这个项目女孩们的父亲们都支持他们女儿参与到这项活动中去,一些保守阿富汗男人拒绝了。

    While the parents of most girls in the program support their daughters' participation, some conservative Afghan men have objected.


  • KarimaSalik回忆起二十世纪70年代喀布尔女性花园,那时还是女孩对于阿富汗以及阿富汗妇女来说,是个非常平静年代,一直到32年后这平静的生活被爆发的战争彻底打破

    Karima Salik tells the story of the Kabul women's Garden she remembers as a girl in the 1970s, a halcyon age for Afghanistan and its women, before the present 32 years of unbroken war began.


  • 值得指出的是如今600万阿富汗儿童上学,其中三分之一女孩,也就是200万女孩在校念书,而在塔利班统治时期这个数字零,一个女孩都没上学。

    "It's worth recalling that six million Afghan children now go to school, one-third of them girls," he said. "that's two million girls in school, when under the Taleban there were none."


  • 谈到阿富汗女孩其实可以提到塞拉利昂的一个男婴或是一个女婴。 今天,没有人不知道世界贫富之间存在的这一鸿沟;

    I speak of a girl in Afghanistan, but I might equally well have mentioned a baby boy or girl in Sierra Leone.


  • 一个女孩拥有小狗太阳喀布尔贫困Teppe兰附近周一阿富汗,2009年824日套。

    A girl holds a puppy as the sun sets over Kabul's impoverished Teppe Maranjan neighborhood, Monday, Aug. 24, 2009 in Afghanistan.


  • 按照阿富汗风俗妇女不能自己名字告诉陌生人,因此张照片的摄影师曾以为自己永远也不会知道这个女孩姓甚名谁

    Since it is the custom for women not to tell their names to strangers, the photographer thought that he would never know the name of this girl.


  • 按照阿富汗风俗妇女不能自己名字告诉陌生人,因此张照片的摄影师曾以为自己永远也不会知道这个女孩姓甚名谁

    Since it is the custom for women not to tell their names to strangers, the photographer thought that he would never know the name of this girl.


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