The most effective thing Jamal's school did was to make kids sit next to students they didn't know during lunch period for a week.
They may be expressed toward parents in indirect ways such as destroying furniture, or they may be expressed toward strangers later in life.
"What a funny, bashful mountaineer!" Mr. Sesemann remarked to himself, thinking that the appearance of a stranger had upset this simple son of the Alps.
This is the first demonstration that we can choose what words the children will learn and that they can respond to them with an unfamiliar voice giving instructions in an unfamiliar setting.
In her excitement, she didn't seem to realize that she was sharing the baby's photos with a complete stranger.
Some parents often tell their kids not to believe strangers' words.
For instance, the eldly, little kids, and pregnant women are usually provided seats by strangers in the most crowded buses.
Strangers, colleagues, friends, parents, your spouse, children, relatives — even the ones you don't particularly care for! — and all fellow travelers on this spaceship we call Earth.
It is normal reaction in children who have been removed from their homes to a strange place.
More women in the developed world are choosing not to have children. So why do friends, family, colleagues and even strangers think it's OK to question their decision?
By now, as a white woman, she’s used to strangers coming right up to her and staring. Or demanding to know why one of her kids isn’t dressed warmly enough.
But later she meets the father on the train: he has abandoned his beloved daughter to strangers because his wife is expecting another child and the family cannot hide more than one.
Because of alarmist news coverage, the general public often believes that the greatest threat to children is from strangers.
It is true that the gender can be concealed from visitors and strangers, at least in the early years.
Except in unusual circumstances, or unless a child shows off a drawing, people on trains don't speak to strangers.
So far, the most meaningful assignment she was given was attending a child's birth — the father was a complete stranger who just wanted someone to take pictures and share the moment.
That was pretty scary, being stranded in another country when nobody knew I was there, and knowing my kids were expecting me to read them a story.
The kids are always first to make people smile, and if they are too young to walk far you can often ‘cheat’ by hiring transport to villages close to the road.
I had not the heart to leave my charge; and besides, you know I had been his foster-sister, and excused his behaviour more readily than a stranger would.
In fact, children are in far more danger of being abused, kidnapped or killed by their parents than any stranger on the street.
My own children have travelled and I too have had to rely on the kindness of strangers, so this is karma.
And without — the frontier warfare; the yearning of a boy, cast ashore upon a desert of newness and ugliness and sordidness, for all that is chastened and old, and noble with traditions.
Now let’s examine the frame of mind that most men adopt when speaking to a woman for the first time.
Teach your child why he or she should never open the door to strangers. Teach the child to use the door peephole and go over a list of people who can be admitted.
Studies have shown that dads empower their kids, giving them the impetus to go out to explore the world, to meet new people and to take chances.
It's like they don't want creepy strangers and innocent children to watch or something.
It's like they don't want creepy strangers and innocent children to watch or something.