Memory: : All Macs come with at least two gigabytes of memory, which is plenty for running Snow Leopard well.
最新版本的苹果雪豹MacOSX系统中包含了QuickTime X,但是该软件还没有移植到Windows中。
QuickTime X is included in the latest version of Mac OS X Snow Leopard, but it's not been ported to Windows yet.
他同时否认了一些评论家声称苹果最新操作系统“雪豹”(Snow Leopard)“早产”的传言。
He also denied claims from some critics that Apple had launched its most recent operating system, Snow Leopard, before it was ready.
That makes the tiger and snow leopard "sister species", the researchers report in the journal Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.
雪豹:苹果说它的新的操作系统,雪豹,九月份即将问世,比当前豹操作系统执行一些任务时速度快达90 %。
Snow Leopard: Apple said its new operating system, Snow Leopard, will be available in September and can perform some tasks up to 90% faster than the current Leopard OS.
If you're on Snow Leopard, I recommend you use this option; if you're still using Leopard, I recommend Chromium or Minefield.
Users without the current version, Snow Leopard, will have to pay an extra thirty dollars to download the new release.
苹果最新版操作系统——雪豹(Snow Leopard)
The next version of its operating system, OS X 10.6 aka Snow Leopard, was supposed to be out in September, but Apple announced today that it will go on sale on Friday.
Snow Leopard is Apple's biggest operating system update since the firm moved from the "Classic" OS in 2001.
Users of the new Apple operating system Snow Leopard are experiencing massive data losses when logging into their machines under a guest account.
Users of the new Apple operating system Snow Leopard are experiencing massive data losses when logging into their machines under a guest account.