• 简要介绍了城市轻轨钢轨道在工厂内进行荷载试验方法步骤,同类工程具有借鉴意义。

    On the base of static load experiment and the finite element method, three major contents have been made.


  • 介绍平衡深层平板载荷试验原理试验设备试验方法传统荷载试验进行效益对比分析。

    It introduces the principle, equipment and method of deep plate loading test by self-balance method, and compares it with the traditional loading test of single pile.


  • 采用现场荷载试验所得到垂直承载力标准值基本、最合理的,它是桩基础设计主要可靠的依据。

    The standard value from the spot dead load experiment is the most important and reliable basis of the stake base design.


  • 采用现行规范规定承载力地基桩的支承阻力两项的计算确定竖向抗压试验试验荷载

    Based on the demand of present code, using the calculation of bearing capacity of pile shaft and subgrade bearing capacity for pile, vertical experimental load of embedded rock pile is ensured.


  • 通过沿海某大型火电厂主厂房地基超长钻孔灌注桩试验桩身测试探讨土地基中超长钻孔灌注桩承载力性状和荷载传递机理

    According to the static loading test and the axial force test, the bearing capacity and load transfer mechanism of the over-length pile in the littoral soft clay are discussed.


  • 通过温州土地超长钻孔灌注桩载荷试验测试探讨了软土地基超长钻孔灌注桩承载力性状荷载传递机理

    In this article, the bearing capacity behavior and load transfer mechanism of super long bored pile in Wenzhou soft clay are discussed, on the basis of the static loading test and axial force test.


  • 根据载荷试验结果全面系统分析了扩支盘桩的承载机理荷载传递性状FEM模拟结果。

    Bearing mechanism, loading transfer behavior and results of FEM simulation of squeezed branch pile are analyzed systematically in this paper based on results of static loading test.


  • 介绍东海大桥部分PHC试桩应变动竖向水平荷载试验情况。

    The high strain dynamic load tests, vertical static load tests and horizontal load tests for part of PHC trial piles of East China Sea Bridge are described.


  • 通过挤扩桩身试验测试的结果,分析竖向荷载作用下的荷载传递机理

    The mechanism of load transfer on the vertical loading through the analysis of squeezed branch piles' field static loading test is analyzed.


  • 工程上通常通过载荷试验测取荷载-沉降曲线耗资巨大。

    The costly plate loading test is usually used to obtain the load-settlement curve of the pile.


  • 根据试验数据传统试桩结果进行转化对比,并桩的承载性能荷载传递特点进行了分析

    The test results are converted to load-settlement curves of conventional testing method and the bearing behavior and load transfer characteristics are analyzed.


  • 载荷试验试验环境虽然极限承载力影响较小,但是试桩荷载位移曲线的影响不可忽视的。

    Although there is little effect to limited capacity by circumstance of load test, yet is not ignore effect to the P-S curve of single pile.


  • 掌握桥梁试验方法荷载试验取得成功先决条件,本文试验方法进行深入研究

    Load master bridge test is a prerequisite for successful trials, the paper bridge static and dynamic tests conducted in-depth research methods.


  • 上述试验基础上,进行了疲劳荷载作用下混凝土裂缝稳定扩展过程研究

    Based on the static experiment mentioned above, the research of stable crack growth process of concrete under fatigue loads was carried out.


  • 载荷试验中,由于种种原因终止荷载达到极限荷载时,可用上述方法进行推测

    In a static load experiment, such a method can be used to make estimation in the case that exerted final load can is not up to ultimate bearing capacity.


  • 方法具有载荷试验荷载沉降曲线安全、准确、方便等优点

    Compared with the past used determination method of the load bearing capacity according to the load-settlement curves from static load tests, this new method has distinct advantages of more safety.


  • 利用装置对某工程混凝土预制进行了模拟交通荷载现场试验

    Static and dynamic load test in the filed of precast static pressure piles have been performed by use of combination equipment of static and dynamic load.


  • 根据载荷试验结果,研究褥垫层厚度荷载在水泥土搅拌桩四复合地基传递影响规律。

    The load transfer mechanism of cement-soil pile composite foundations with different cushion heights were studied according to the results of static loading tests.


  • 结合某根桩试验结果,对荷载沉降分别进行了预测只有部分实测结果的情况下,对单桩的极限承载力进行预测。

    Based on part of the data of static load test, the ultimate bearing capacity and the whole load settlement curve is also predicted.


  • 根据国内外横向荷载钢管现场试验资料,本文提出作用下多层地基地基系数k_s经验公式

    According to the field data of Lateral loaded steel piles at home and abroad, an empirical formula for evaluating, modulus of subgrade reaction under static loading in layered soils was proposed.


  • 在上海地区典型饱和软粘土排水循环三轴试验基础,分析了影响软粘土塑性累积变形主要因素:循环荷载的作用次数初始应力循环加载动偏应力。

    It was shown that the cumulative plastic strain depended not only on the applied cyclic stress and number of cycles, but also on the initial static deviatoric stress level.


  • 通过不同条件下沥青路面全厚度车辙试验,就中面层沥青类型荷载、路面材料结构组合设计以及温度因素沥青路面车辙的影响进行了研究。

    There were many factors that resulted in rutting of asphalt pavement, including asphalt type, static load levels, materials, structure combination and temperature and so on.


  • 最后结合桥梁检测实例通过附加荷载作用下试验结果分析进一步证明的附加荷载动测可行性优越性

    Finally, combine the instance bridge measure, through analysis of the result of static load and dynastic load, it further proved the method of attached load is feasibility and superiority.


  • 最后结合桥梁检测实例通过附加荷载作用下试验结果分析进一步证明的附加荷载动测可行性优越性

    Finally, combine the instance bridge measure, through analysis of the result of static load and dynastic load, it further proved the method of attached load is feasibility and superiority.


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