• 动力参数包括电动机功率额定转速电机型号

    Power parameter include: motor power, rated speed, motor model, etc.


  • 伺服电机很小启动频率很快最低转速加速额定转速

    Servo motor has small start frequency, can quickly from the lowest revolution accelerated to the rated speed.


  • 伺服电机很小启动频率很快最低转速加速额定转速

    Servo motor have small start frequency, can quickly from the lowest revolution accelerated to the rated speed.


  • 组合压气机试验件台架试验时振动较大转子无法达到额定转速

    The combined compressor rotor in not able to reach the maximum rating speed on test bench because its level of vibration is very high and exceeds vibration limits.


  • 由于转子材料屈服低,额定转速局部出现塑性形变

    Because of the lower yield point of rotor material, the local plastic deformations are found during operation at rate speed.


  • 设置安全气阀,在电机转速达到额定转速后,自动打开排气阀,保证起动器的安全可靠运行

    To guarantee running safety, it needs to set the safey exhausting valve, which will be opened automatically when reaching the rated speed.


  • 进一步分析了发动机额定转速下,活塞运动姿态敲击过程,揭示出活塞敲击噪声产生过程。

    The generating process of piston knock noise is thoroughly analyzed by the study of piston motion state and knock process with the engine at the rated engine speed.


  • 达到额定转速后,控制系统需要一个无压降连接(压缩机运行),这种状态接触器必须闭合

    After reaching the rated speed, a potential-free contact (compressor running) is required for control system. The contact must be closed in this state.


  • 针对频率区与曳引主机额定转速———频率接近特点,提出了防止电梯发生系统共振措施

    This frequency range is proximate to main vibration frequency of the traction machine at rated speed, and, according to this, measures against elevator resonance are proposed.


  • 介绍电动自行车电机设计特点提出确定电机额定转速功率的方法,提供电机及控制器设计参数。

    The thesis introduces design peculiarity of motor bike, and puts forth a method to define rated speed and power to provide design parameter for the motor and controller.


  • 针对钕铁硼直流电动机额定转速实测值设计差异现象进行了详细分析指出了两类原因使这种差异存在。

    In this paper, Analysis on the difference between designed speed and actual speed of NdFeB DC Motor is described in detail.


  • 整车驱动角度分析提出电动汽车电机驱动系统理想动力特性低于额定转速高于额定转速恒功率。

    The ideal power characteristic for traction motor system is put forward from the vehicle driving point with constant torque drive below base speed and constant power drive above base speed.


  • 某带行星齿轮减速器发电机组满负荷额定转速工况,出现减速器轴承发电机轴承处横向振动偏大的故障现象。

    Under the condition of rated load and rated speed operation of a generator set, over-vibration phenomena appeared in the planetary gearbox's bearing and the rear bearing of the generator.


  • 石油化工设备常常24小时连续运转这时工作压力应该取得额定压力得多工作转速应该低于额定转速

    Petrochemical equipment is often 24-hour continuous operation, when the work pressure pump should be made much lower than the rated pressure, and speed work should also be lower than the rated speed.


  • 天荒坪抽水蓄能有限责任公司静态变频器 ( SFC)主要用于机组拖动至电动机方向额定转速 ,从而使机组并网

    SFC is mainly used for turning the unit to rated speed in motor direction for parrelling of power grid.


  • 这种装置可以自动测试柴油机额定状态运行下油耗率,配合相应的一元件能自动测试柴油机增压器转速

    This instrument can measure automatically the oil consumption at the normal rating and the r. p. m. of the supercharger and the diesel, fitting with the corresponding primary meter.


  • 螺旋桨要求功率过高以至于转速不到额定时,可以采用切割螺旋桨叶方法减小螺旋桨的负荷

    When the power required by propeller is so high that the shaft speed cann't arrive a rated value, the tip of propeller can be cut to decrease its load.


  • 主要转速太高介质粘度太高这样就会造成阻力很大电机瞬间启动电流超过额定电流,造成电机过载

    Mainly is the pump speed is too high, medium and high viscosity resistance is very big, this will cause pump motor moment of starting current more than rated current, motor overload;


  • 举升流体所需功率螺杆泵转速预测电动机负载功率,确定地面电机额定功率。

    And the horsepower of surface motor is ascertained through anticipating the operating power of motor shaft according to the power of lifting liquid and rotational speed of PCP.


  • 介绍起动机额定功率参数阐述如何选择起动机额定功率时的转速转矩,以及功率参数和功率曲线测试

    The rated power parameters of starter are briefly introduced in this paper. It also expounds how to select the rotate speed and torque at rated power and how to test the power parameters and curve.


  • 本文通过GN-6型手扶拖拉机基本参数分析确定,进行了额定牵引力扭矩速度、牵引力动力输出轴转速验算

    Through analyzing and checking the parameters of rated force, tractor's speed, pull force and real force, a clutch of double dried frictional flake is chosen and designed in the paper.


  • 本文通过GN-6型手扶拖拉机基本参数分析确定,进行了额定牵引力扭矩速度、牵引力动力输出轴转速验算

    Through analyzing and checking the parameters of rated force, tractor's speed, pull force and real force, a clutch of double dried frictional flake is chosen and designed in the paper.


- 来自原声例句

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