• 灯芯采用脱脂纯棉食用油脂制作

    The wick with degrease cotton and edible oils production.


  • 建立食用油脂浸出溶剂组成相色谱分析方法

    A gas chromatographic method for analysis of hydrocarbons in edible oil extraction solvent was developed.


  • 阿魏及其衍生物食用油脂中的氧化效果进行评价。

    In this paper, we studied on antioxidative effect of ferulic acid and its derivatives in the edible oils.


  • 目的研究芸香甙- PVP沉淀物食用油脂中的氧化作用

    Objective To study the antioxidative effect of rutin-PVP coprecipitates on edible fats.


  • 基于近年上海废弃食用油脂回收加工情况,对油脂产生量进行估算。

    Based on waste edible oil recycle treatment status recent years in Shanghai, waste edible oil output was estimated.


  • 研究了沉淀法化学混合法制用于食用油脂加氢改性催化剂

    New catalysts suitable for hydrogenation of food oils have been prepared by means of precipitation method and by chemical mixing procedure.


  • 废弃食用油脂处置单位应当加工工艺具备全过程封闭化处置条件

    The waste edible oils and fats disposal unit shall be equipped with the condition of whole process sealed operation in the processing technology.


  • 一项研究表明食用油脂食物饮用西柚最多可以减少五分之一重。

    A study has found that drinking grapefruit juice when eating fatty food lowers the amount of weight put on by up to a fifth.


  • 饱和脂肪一般存在诸如牛肉这样的肉类食用油脂以及经过精细加工食品中

    Saturated fat is found in meats such as beef, oil and processed foods.


  • 花生全球重要四大油料作物之一,是我国食用油脂蛋白质的重要来源

    Peanut is one of the main four oils crop in the world, and it is the important source of edible oil and protein in China.


  • 对几种食用油脂茴香测定结果进行统计分析表明,IS O准确性、重复性好。

    Anisidine values of different edible oils were tested by ISO method, and the results were statistically analyzed.


  • 食用油脂维持人类生存最基本物质之一压榨法取植物油料加工主要的方法之一。

    Edible oil is one of basic materials maintaining human life. Mechanical pressing is one of the most popular methods of oil separation from oil plant.


  • 油脂人类必需营养要素之一,棉籽中提取棉籽油必需经过精炼加工才能作为食用油脂

    The oil is one of mankind's essential three major nutrition key elements, the cottonseed oil drawn from the cottonseed must be processed through refining, could be regarded as the edible oil.


  • 名列国内大型食用油脂加工企业前列,国内最早从事人造奶油生产公司投资额超过1亿人民币

    Among domestic large-scale edible oils processing enterprise, is one of the earliest domestic companies engaged in the production of margarine, with a total investment of more than 1 million yuan RMB.


  • 每人每天摄入30 -50食用油脂(包括食物中的油脂含量)即可满足肌体需求不宜摄入过多。

    Each 30-50 grams daily intake of edible oils (including food grease content) can meet the demand of body, unfavorable excessive intake.


  • 应用研究表明有效抑制食用油脂氧化且具有耐热性,可用油炸土豆片等油炸、焙烤食品中;

    Studies have shown that oxidation of Soya oil and poultry fat can be delayed by the Tea Polyphenols. When being used in fried food, good tea polyphenols also have steability at high temperature;


  • 论文主要探讨通过食用油脂催化裂解,裂解气催化改质,燃料油后处理工艺,将废油脂制备合格的燃料油。

    In this paper technological process of catalytic cracking and catalytic reforming and post-processing of waste fat and oil are discussed to prepare the qualified liquid fuel oil.


  • 食用油脂加氢催化剂研究现状进行了综述,并介绍了新型催化剂催化工艺食用油脂催化加氢上应用的优缺点

    Latest researches in edible oils hydrogenation catalysts were reviewed, the advantage and disadvantage of the new catalysts and technology in edible oils hydrogenation were introduced.


  • 发现丹参及其油溶性提取物食用油脂中具有良好氧化效能基础上,对主要有色物质作为油脂食品用色素进行了研制。

    A study on a natural colorant from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge was conducted on the basis of our discovery of its antioxidative activity.


  • 米糠具有丰富营养价值优良的保健功能,实为潜在理想食用油脂,米糠中提取米糠油再生资源充分利用

    Bran oil has abundant nutritional value and excellent health-care function. It is a kind of potential and ideal edible oil. Extracting bran oil from bran is a sufficient utilization of this resource.


  • 很多食用入口时几乎没什么味道因为精制的过程中,油脂分子以外,其它成分大都去除了。

    Many oils have little or no flavor to begin with, as they’ve been refined to remove almost everything except the oil molecules.


  • 我国开发生产生物柴油结合国内食用市场实际,应食用油、废弃油脂原料为主。

    Exploitation of biodiesel in our country should consider the practice of edible oil market, and mainly utilize non-edible oil and waste oil as the material.


  • 由于橄榄油营养成分丰富医疗保健功能突出公认绿色保健食用适合人体营养的油脂

    Because of olive oil, medical and health nutrition ingredient rich outstanding features and is recognized as the green health care oils, is the most suitable human nutrition of grease.


  • 植物油脂作为主要食用油,其生物合成途径相关基因克隆成为研究热点

    As main edible oil, researches on biosynthesis pathway and relative gene cloning have become hot research topics.


  • 一些回收食用例如菜用冲洗后的提炼,”该报写道,“另一些是从下水道里捞来的油脂还有一些就是可回收的工业用油”。

    "Some was recycled edible grease, such as oil refined from swill and cooked oil," it said. "some was grease rendered from sewage, and some was recycled industrial grease."


  • 尽量油脂用量减少分量,这里面包括沙拉调味料食用以及黄酱所含的油脂分量。

    Try to decrease to two servings of salad dressing, cooking oil, butter, and mayonnaise. Note your health and beauty depends only on you.


  • 葡萄食用开发标志着专业油脂供应延伸大众消费品的品牌,它成功不仅企业成功,而且也是消费者的成功!

    Development of grape seeds oil marks the extension of professional oil to common consumers. The success of the development is not only the enterprise's success, but also success of consumers!


  • 北京艾森绿宝油脂有限公司北京市最大食用油加工企业,是以色列艾森伯格集团北京市粮食集团共同组建的合资公司。

    Beijing Eisen-LuBao Oil Co. Ltd is the largest edible-oil manufacturer in Beijing. It was established as a Joint-Venture between Eisenberg Group and Beijing Grain Group.


  • 严格而全面的质量管理体系使得北京艾森绿宝油脂有限公司的产品国家技术监督局连续多年食用油市场抽查中均被评为合格产品。

    Our strictly quality control system has enabled Eisen-LuBao been approved for already several years as "qualified products" by the State Technology Supervise Bureau.


  • 严格而全面的质量管理体系使得北京艾森绿宝油脂有限公司的产品国家技术监督局连续多年食用油市场抽查中均被评为合格产品。

    Our strictly quality control system has enabled Eisen-LuBao been approved for already several years as "qualified products" by the State Technology Supervise Bureau.


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