• 1自来水大约1汤匙食用比较合适。

    About 1 dessertspoonful of cooking salt in 1 litre of tap-water is suitable.


  • 生姜西欧餐桌食用盐辣椒那样受人关注

    It became so popular in Europe that it was included in every table setting, like salt and pepper.


  • 文章提出了食用中亚硝酸测定方法

    The analytic methods of nitrite in edible salt were described.


  • 结合得到氯化钠——就是食用

    When you combine sodium and chlorine, you get sodium chloride - common salt.


  • 也许最为重要是咸海塔兹公司生产了80%的食用

    Most important, perhaps, one company, Aral Tuz, makes 80 percent of the edible salt.


  • 一般食用90%以上都是白色包括法国澳洲

    Generally more than 90% of edible salt is white color, including the French sea salt and Australia sea salt.


  • 方法2,3二氨基萘荧光测定粮食头发食用含量

    Methods The Se contents of grain, hair and edible salt were determined with 2, 3-diaminonaphthalene fluorometry.


  • 方法P P S抽取451居民食用,定量分析含量。

    Methods Iodine salt from 451 households were selected by PPS method.


  • 这些数字肯定大家减少食用带来了强烈的刺激然而并不简单

    The numbers certainly offer compelling incentives to cut salt consumption, but that's no easy task.


  • 所述清洗剂食用,所述蚀剂主要洛托品、硫氰硫脲组成

    It features its detergent being edible hydrochloric acid and its corrosion inhibitor comprising urotropine, thiocyanate and thiourea.


  • 2006年,全球生产量估计为2.4亿,其中,17%用于生产食用

    In 2006, world salt production was an estimated 240 million tons. Of this, around 17% goes towards making edible salt.


  • 减少食用能够提高国民健康水平,研究人员发现这种成效非裔美国人和妇女身上更为明显。

    While eating less salt would improve the health of the population across the board, researchers found that the benefits would be greatest for African Americans and women.


  • 极高蒸发率使厚实逐渐沉积包括食用盐石膏层(一种白垩板壁主要成分)。

    High rates of evaporation deposit thick layers of salt minerals, such as common table salt and gypsum (a chalky mineral that is a major component of wallboard).


  • 那些食用食品心搏骤停中风风险降低25%,患过早死亡的风险降低了20%。

    People who don't eat much salty food have a 25% lower risk of cardiac arrest or stroke and a 20% lower risk of premature death.


  • 那些食用食品心搏骤停中风风险降低25%,患过早死亡的风险降低了20%。

    People who do not eat much salty food have a 25% lower risk of cardiac arrest or stroke and a 20% lower risk of premature death.


  • 用于各个检测实验室食用数据计算电子存储数据查询统计分析质量控制等工作。

    The method can be used in any laboratory in salt industry for data calculations, storage, inquiry, statistic analysis and the quality control of edible salt.


  • 本文将方法重现性、准确性进行实验验证火焰原子吸收测定食用盐钙、离子的可行性

    By the experiment of reproducibility and accuracy, we can verify the feasibility of the determination of calcium and magnesium by flame atomic absorption spectrometry.


  • 奶茶,因为热量,高没有营养价值可言,长期饮用,还要减少食用,烟烧烤食物

    Drink less milk tea which may contains high calorie, high oil and no nutrition at all. Eat less salt, sootiness and barbecue food.


  • 针对食用变色现象阐述食用盐变色的机理解决的方法,详细讨论涉及变色离子检测方法

    In reference to the phenomena of color change of edible salt, this paper states the color-changing mechanism and the solutions, and details in the ionic testing method for color-changed salt.


  • 知道食用白色是因为它成了粉末因为多个散射面,但是一个氯化钠晶体,是无色透明的。

    I know table salt is white, but that is because you have power and you have multiple surfaces scattering, but a large crystal of sodium chloride is clear and colorless.


  • 大理石工艺产品,如底座造型天然高品质食用盐沐浴治疗室设备及各种不同的晶系列产品。

    Marble Crafted products marble Base & side Tables, Salt Crafted lamps, Salt natural shape lamp, Natural Table salt No 1 quality, Bath salt all kind natural salt products.


  • 配料表小麦粉白砂糖植物起酥油、可可粉色素、(焦糖色素),膨松食用香精食用,全脂乳粉大豆磷脂,香兰素

    Ingredients: wheat flour, sugar, vegetable shortening, cocoa powder, color (caramel color), leavening agents, flavor, edible salt, whole milk powder, soy lecithin, vanillin.


  • 那么,有多少摄入量控制推荐摄入量呢?科学家们认为按照推荐摄入量食用盐每年减少60至120个冠心病病例

    So how many of us are limiting our sodium intake to recommended levels - which scientists say could reduce new cases of coronary heart disease by 60-to-120 thousand per year.


  • 带着番茄味蛋黄流动融合着伏特加调味品、、食用塔巴斯科辣酱油的鸡尾酒中,上面还覆盖着层伍斯特沙泡沫且装饰有牡蛎

    The tomato-flavoured "yolk" isfloated in a cocktail of vodka, spices, celery salt and Tabasco, toppedwith a Worcestershire sauce foam and served in an oyster shell.


  • 34岁的女士是一家公司的文员,利用午休时间出来,并我们解释道:“家里还有食用盐还是希望尽可能买点怕万一断货。”

    We already have a large bag at home for cooking, but I want to get as much as possible just in case it runs out, ” said Fang, a 34-year-old office worker who went salt shopping on her lunch break.


  • 前言:保证食用安全,对业公司违规将“工业”当作食品用销售,某酱油生产厂购买制作酱油时未索证,将“工业用”用于酱油生产的食品污染案进行了查处。

    For ensuring salt safety, an event that a soy sauce factory using industrial salt to make soy sauce was investigated and prosecuted. The problems existed in some salt companies were analyzed.


  • 前言:保证食用安全,对业公司违规将“工业”当作食品用销售,某酱油生产厂购买制作酱油时未索证,将“工业用”用于酱油生产的食品污染案进行了查处。

    For ensuring salt safety, an event that a soy sauce factory using industrial salt to make soy sauce was investigated and prosecuted. The problems existed in some salt companies were analyzed.


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