各中学的乐队在洛杉矶的街道上游行。 在纪念马丁.路德.金博士及其非暴力主张的日子,这是很常见的庆祝活动。
High school bands march the streets of Los Angeles - a common celebration on the day the nation marks the holiday celebrating King and his message of non-violence..
He assigned federal agents to listen in on Martin Luther King's phone calls.
He illustrated his argument with quotations from Martin Luther King Jr.
In the sixties there were the deaths of the two Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King.
American civil rights (民权) leader Martin Luther King once said, "I have a dream."
King agreed with Gandhi that nonviolent actions must always be taken out of concern for the well-being of all people, even those who are unjust and oppressive.
We would also have had no Gettysburg address, no Churchill, and no Martin Luther King, Jr.
What makes one person a Gandhi or a Dr Martin Luther King? Is it pure coincidence or do such inspirational historic figures have some special powers?
On Monday, I spoke at the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday celebration at the University of the District of Columbia.
Protesters on the National Mall also put up a sign with the word "dream", pointing to Martin Luther King Jr., and the word "nightmare", pointing to Glenn Beck.
If only Palestinians had learned the lessons of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, we hear, they'd have had their state long ago.
The NBA has numerous outreach initiatives through their NBA Cares program, and recently hosted a Martin Luther King Day social media initiative, which I participated in.
As good as Mandela was, the Reverend Bernice King, Martin Luther King Jr. 's daughter, stole the show.
Need he receive space and prominence comparable to Washington, Lincoln, and Martin Luther King?
Michelle Obama has urged Americans to join her family in a day of service on the Martin Luther King Day holiday.
They choose people whose achievements are so great that they're almost impossible to emulate, like Albert Einstein or Martin Luther King.
这一课程教授“金氏非暴力”——部分脱胎于马丁。路德。 金的演讲。
The course teaches “Kingian non-violence”, which is partly based on the speeches of Martin Luther King.
Also featured in the memorial are a wall with Dr.King's quotations and nearly 200 cherry trees.
Singing songs with Dr. King inthe South, with the lights out, so they wouldn’t be shot.
We'll talk, too, about how important God was to Martin Luther King, how he often said it was God who gave him the courage to face frightening people and events.
Carlin says: "Martin Luther King had his dream but in South Africa it happened in real life."
Robert Kennedy never tried to copy Martin Luther King's rhetorical skills.
And that we are soon going to have a Martin Luther King Memorial here on our nation's mall.
Martin Luther King Jr. died with no more than one half of his dreams fulfilled.
Sorvino: the first one that comes to mind for me is Martin Luther King.
It was not for nothing that such figures as Gandhi and Martin Luther King looked to Tolstoy as a kind of moral hero, a man in touch with the inner workings of the spirit.
It was not for nothing that such figures as Gandhi and Martin Luther King looked to Tolstoy as a kind of moral hero, a man in touch with the inner workings of the spirit.