If you just can't "get 'cha head out of the High School Musical game," you're in luck.
But it did not reach the heights of the reigning tween musical, "High School Musical 2, " which netted 17.2 million viewers last August.
The Hollywood Reporter says that the former boy-band member has been tapped to host what could be the next reality-television sensation: ABC's High School Musical: Summer Session.
高校音乐剧:暑期补习班就像美国偶像的高中版,由年龄在16 -22岁之间的参赛者们展示他们的歌唱和舞蹈能力。
High school Musical: Summer Session is like a high-school version of American Idol, with contestants between the ages 16 and 22 strutting their singing and dancing prowess.
The first official poster for the franchise's next installment, High School Musical 3: Senior Year, has hit the 'net, and offers a tiny glimpse of the upcoming movie's look and feel.
Disney is recreating its hit franchise film "High School Musical" in the East as it turns its attention to the millions of teenagers in the massive China market.
Disney is recreating its hit franchise film "High School Musical" in the East as it turns its attention to the millions of teenagers in the massive China market.