• 他们都不想看对方一眼,不得不默默忍受

    They cannot stand the sight of each other, but they will just have to grin and bear it.


  • 默默忍受长期病痛

    She endured her long illness with stoicism.


  • 有助于保持自律,从不大叫抱怨而是默默忍受

    That helped his selfdiscipline in not shouting or complaining but enduring in silence.


  • 面对上级的欺凌”时,必要默默忍受

    You don't have to allow yourself to be "bullied" by leaders in your organization.


  • 希望整天为了回来默默忍受煎熬

    He also does not want to wish him all my back and suffering silently.


  • 默默忍受痛苦远在东非的无名英雄碑上致哀悼之情

    And yet, she herself is still in silent agony mourning over that unmarked war grave in faraway East Africa.


  • 要是过去那样,能够默默忍受煎熬就可以保住饭碗自尊

    If he'd suffered in silence, as he had for three years, he could have kept his job and his pride.


  • 海豚经常海龟是海洋生活中的费迪南德,总是默默忍受各种各样屈辱

    They are constantly after the turtles, the Ferdinands of marine life, who peacefully submit to all sorts of indignities.


  • 应该找到一些方法维护自己的权益。别人无礼没有必要默默忍受

    You should find some ways to speak up for yourself. It's not necessary to suffer in silence when others are rude to you.


  • 我们大家都必须坦诚面对目前状况大声公务员撑腰说话,不然他们就只会默默忍受

    It can be reversed, but we all need to be open about what is happening and speak up for the civil servants who will otherwise suffer in silence.


  • 长远来看,不管是默默忍受压力,或是迎合那些不能他们建立紧密关系

    Conceding to unspoken pressures and telling people what they want to hear will not build strong relationships in the long run.


  • 这不是个公开问题双手紧握或是大声哭泣像是化身人类默默忍受(句我也有点乱)。

    This is not a public issue, with hand-wringing and loud wailing, but rather a matter the human incarnated suffers silently.


  • 有高层领导者值得信任那么因为任何上司逼迫沉默不语,默默忍受要大胆说“不”。

    If you know the powers that to be trust worthy don't let any boss intimidate you into silence.


  • 马上就这么,不要为此而大动肝火。马特森补充道:“许多默默忍受然后一天突然爆发。”

    Do this now, before you get any more ticked off about it, Mattson adds: "so many people suffer in silence for too long and then blow their stack."


  • 如果我们不能共同应对气候变化那么他们默默忍受痛苦必定成为一个警告暗示更大痛苦正等待我们其他人

    Their silent suffering must serve as a warning signal of the greater suffering that lies in store for the rest of us if we fail to tackle climate change together.


  • 希望这个国家点事,”张说道,“我这样是因为如此人们一样被工作门外这个世界黑暗角落默默忍受

    "I wanted to do something for this community, " Zhang said. "I did it because there are so many people like me locked out of jobs and rotting in their little dark corners of the world.


  • 对此我们无能为力,只好默默忍受

    There's nothing we can do about it. We'll just have to grin and bear it.


  • 我们被自己心爱的人拒绝的时候,为了一些好的进化学的原因,我们通常选择默默忍受

    We human are soft-wired to suffer terribly when we are rejected by someone we adore-for good evolutionary reasons.


  • 然而男孩并不表达爱意使得女孩难过加上家庭压力,女孩经常迁怒于男孩,而男孩,只是默默忍受一切。

    As the guy is not good with his words, this often cause the girl to be very upset. With that & the family's pressure, the girl often vent her anger on him. As for him, he only endure it in silence.


  • 迄今为止,职员们仍默默忍受一切。 而个中原因部分源于他们保住饭碗所带来的幸运感,部分源于他们要挽救公司免于破产的使命感。

    So far workers have borne all this with remarkable stoicismpartly because they feel lucky to keep their jobs and partly because they want to save their firms from going under.


  • 甚至怨恨这么多年竟会默默忍受一切

    But it just endured silently all these years.


  • 然而多年来,微软默默忍受这些,几乎从不予以还击。

    For years Microsoft took it, he said, without so much as counterpunch.


  • 不必驱车,只要你任意走过地方,都变得和平常不一样,伤害无处不在……很多时候人们默默忍受

    You don't have to drive to see the damage, where ever you walk there is something out of the ordinary.. often the suffering is silent.


  • 不必驱车,只要你任意走过地方,都变得和平常不一样,伤害无处不在……很多时候人们默默忍受

    You don't have to drive to see the damage, where ever you walk there is something out of the ordinary.. often the suffering is silent.


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