Next time when you go to grab a Starbucks muffin that boasts it's made without HFCS, remember the real boogeyman here is likely the calories.
Hard-boil a half-dozen eggs and grab one each morning along with some fruit and an English muffin for a portable breakfast.
Making breakfast or going out for a cup of coffee and a muffin can be a special way to show someone you want to take out time in your busy day to be with them.
Which is great in itself but also means that my "muffin top" is pretty much gone when I wear my favorite jeans.
Too-tight pants could result not only in unsightly muffin top, but also in anerve condition called "meralgia paresthetica".
Which is great in itself but also means that my ‘muffin top’ is pretty much gone when I wear my favorite jeans.
Any mother who wears her vintage Valentino while making muffin topping with her kids should be hauled up before the Department of Children and Family Services.
For a quick mini-pizza, top an English muffin (go for the whole grain ones) with spaghetti sauce and a little shredded low-fat mozzarella. Broil until the cheese melts.
Sarah crammed another lump of muffin into her mouth and pointed the pen at me. “I will stop right now.
A muffin could have 11 teaspoons of sugar added, and a grande vanilla latte at Starbucks has about seven teaspoons.
Says Church: "I don't think most people would appreciate that, wow, you only burned 200 or 300 calories, which you're going to neutralize with just half that muffin."
So, think fiber in the forms of whole fruit…cut veggies, whole grain crackers on hummus (even Triscuits are good) or even a whole grain, zuchinni or carrot muffin.
That's one reason humans can gain weight with just an extra half-muffin a day: we almost instantly store most of the calories we don't need in our regular ("white") fat cells.
So next time you go to grab a Starbucks muffin that boasts it's made without HFCS, remember the real boogeyman here is likely the calories - not the percentage of fructose inside.
The upside: One English muffin — two halves — has half as many calories as two slices of bread. So it \ \ \ 's better for a breakfast sandwich.
Today, a muffin averages 500 calories, 20-plus grams of fat, and are closer to the size of a small planet.
You might think half a muffin over an entire day wouldn't matter much, particularly if you exercise regularly.
Take a english muffin, plain bagel, or slice of bread and spread a generous layer of cream cheese on it.
Too-tight pants could result not only in unsightly muffin top,but also in anerve condition called“meralgia paresthetica”, now seen in increasing numbers among young fit women.
Too-tight pants could result not only in unsightly muffin top, but also in anerve condition called“meralgia paresthetica”, now seen in increasing numbers among young fit women.
Take the stunning image on the above, which shows the muffin-cup-like Victoria Crater, a site once explored by the Mars rover Opportunity.
Evenly divide the mixture, approximately 2 tablespoons per cup, among the muffin cups.
Lightly coat an ice-cream scoop with cooking spray and use it for spoon even amounts of batter into cupcake or muffin tin liners.
Personal pizza (Spread tomato sauce and reduced fat cheese on a whole wheat pita or English muffin and top with vegetables or chicken. Bake in the oven until the cheese melts.)
If you go to our home deep-whole, you buy yourself a generator that USES gasoline, you put an adapter on that, put muffin in it, and she's in, you got electricity.
Try bringing breakfast foods to work, too, like dry cereal and milk or instant oatmeal, and you won’t be tempted to buy an expensive pastry or muffin on the way into the office, she said.
Try bringing breakfast foods to work, too, like dry cereal and milk or instant oatmeal, and you won't be tempted to buy an expensive pastry or muffin on the way into the office, she said.
He is 41 and feels the muffin tops a-piling up, so he buys a running machine and gives up drink and puddings.
He is 41 and feels the muffin tops a-piling up, so he buys a running machine and gives up drink and puddings.