Purple has been reserved for the royal folk for centuries. The royal folk were the only ones who could afford it anyway.
Purple was the royal color of the Caesars.
Purple was the royal color of the Caesars.
Jacobs sent out models clothed in eye-delighting tones like turquoise, azure, yellow, hot pink, and royal purple, often in the same outfit in chic combinations.
And asters blossom everywhere, along the roadsides, in meadows, on the hilltops, even in city lots, raging in color from pure white through all degrees of lavender to the royal New England purple.
Mordecai left the king's presence wearing royal garments of blue and white, a large crown of gold and a purple robe of fine linen.
With royal purple and cream accents, this bright restaurant maintains the perfect balance between enchanting and sleek.
Down by the roadside the saucy dandelion mingled his gold with the royal purple of the wild violet.
Each title signifies great dignity, worthy of royal purple and a gold crib.
Now I'm lying on a deep royal purple and there are eyes everywhere but it's a thrilling feeling.
At that time many of the Kingdom of the royal family is prohibited to any person or institution other than the use of purple.
In the Middle Ages, and the purple color is the most expensive dye and can only be used to make use of aristocrats and the wealthy cloth, usually the royal family will be given to these people.
In the Middle Ages, and the purple color is the most expensive dye and can only be used to make use of aristocrats and the wealthy cloth, usually the royal family will be given to these people.