Many sensation-seekers choose jobs that involve risk, such as starting a new business or being an emergency room doctor.
Crippling health care bills, long emergency-room waits and the inability to find a primary care physician just scratch the surface of the problems that patients face daily.
You have to understand, I see so many terrible things in the emergency room. When I get home, at the end of the day, I want peace.
If you are worried about an unexpected car repair or emergency room trip, figure out ways to increase your emergency fund.
At the door of the hospital emergency room, a social worker informed her that only family members were allowed inside.
In the case of Suzanne, neither her father, who works as an emergency room physician, nor her mother, who works as a registered nurse, knows about her new job.
Other studies have also looked at emergency room trips for allergic reactions, or evaluated doctors' diagnoses in medical records.
John Morris, 36, of Chicago had to go to the emergency room recently with a leg infection.
“Everyone in the emergency room lies to get benzos,” one trainee remarked, as I recall.
She went to the emergency room and was prescribed drugs to relieve her cramps.
The hospital plans to start recruiting in the next several weeks from the roughly 60, 000 children seen every year at the hospital's emergency room.
Later that day, the doctor is called to the emergency room to put fourteen stitches in the elderly woman's left thigh.
An emergency room doctor also can provide temporary help and can tell you where and how to get further help.
If it can reduce bleeding in the operating room, doctors wondered, why not in the emergency room?
A few weeks ago, the morning after Memorial Day, my dad landed in the emergency room with intense stomach pain.
So I didn’t do anything about my knee, but when it got sopainful that I couldn’t walk, I had to go to the emergency room.
所以我没有对膝盖的毛病采取任何措施。 不过后来膝盖实在是太疼了,我连路都走不了,因此无不得不去了急诊室。
Acute coronary syndrome is often diagnosed in an emergency room or hospital.
In 2006, Donato Montanaro Jr. 's right eye began rejecting a cornea transplant from more than 20 years before. He rushed to an emergency room.
On the day of the hearing the emergency room was empty, tarpaulins hung in some hallways and a small white boat was marooned in an adjoining parking lot.
The emergency room doctor ruled out injury to Niu's head or neck but said she may have suffered internal bleeding in her abdomen.
And now, a hospital system in Minnesota says it plans to delay some new buildings, while another hospital group in Connecticut has decided to postpone the replacement of an emergency room.
At the medical center, every entrance to the emergency room was blocked by security guards. Even hospital staffers were not permitted to enter.
Mostly every summer I have to go to the emergency room because I can't breathe in the summer.
Emergency room doctors diagnosed a stomach flu, but a week later the child’s pediatrician took an X-ray and saw what he thought was a quarter.
The old psychiatric emergency room was too often simply the intake ward for the hospital, used only for triage and referral, said Zeller.
Right after he got the news, a truck rear-ended his car at a stoplight, sending him to the emergency room with a painful case of whiplash.
Hours later, when Anderson still couldn't contain himself, his family took him to a hospital emergency room.
According to the researchers, lack of hospice services in Canada contributes to Ontario's higher rates of hospital and emergency room visits and in-hospital deaths.
We take it for granted that our hair dryers won't send us to the emergency room and our toothbrushes won't make us go numb.
We take it for granted that our hair dryers won't send us to the emergency room and our toothbrushes won't make us go numb.