It also marked China's 1000th gold medal in China's Asian Games history.
The meeting today is of special significance because it marks CD's 1000th plenary meeting.
"The 1000th picture is that of a smiling baby, signifying a fresh start of our activity," Hou says.
In 2009, China spent about Rmb10bn on improving irrigation – 1/1000th of the total loans disbursed that year.
Seaman was marking his 1000th senior appearance but he probably hadn't made a better save in his illustrious career.
Micrometer: An instrument used to measure accurately small distance, thickness, etc. To the nearest 1000th inch or cm.
To achieve the most competitive price spreads in the retail market place FXC M quotes prices in 1/1000th of a cent (1/10th of a pip).
It was there that I scored my first goal for the Auriverde against Argentina, and also where I scored my 1000th professional goal years later.
By the way, happy 1000th page, I thought I wouldn't be able to make it, but by twist of fate…woohoo. Thank you all for all these pages of memories.
We're not perfect people. I'm probably on my 1000th second chance right now and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Because even though I've failed a lot, it means I've tried a lot too.
Sport dancers Liang Yujie and Shen Hong claimed the Tango gold at the Guangzhou Asian Games on Saturday, which is China's 1000th since the country made an Asian Games debut in 1974.
The Maracana has also witnessed some of the most memorable moments in the history of Brazilian football, such as Pele's 1000th career goal for Santos against Vasco on 19 November 1969.
If the probability is 1 in 1,000 that a house burns down and there are 1,000 houses, then the probability that they all burn down is 1/1000 to the 1000th power, which is virtually zero.
If the probability is 1 in 1,000 that a house burns down and there are 1,000 houses, then the probability that they all burn down is 1/1000 to the 1000th power, which is virtually zero.