Greater bandwidth is also available with 10 Gigabit Ethernet.
还可以用10 Gigabit Ethernet提供更高的带宽。
It has a 10 gigabit Ethernet card for high-speed, low-latency communication between members and CFs.
它有一个 10 千兆以太网卡用于成员与 CF之间的高速低延迟通信。
In this configuration, a single 10 gigabit Ethernet card (MT 26448 with 2ports) is attached to each node in the cluster.
在该配置中,一个10千兆以太网卡(带有两个端口的MT 26448)连接到集群中的每个节点。
Deploy the 10 gigabit Ethernet switch that supports priority-based flow control and loss-less Ethernet similar to a typical switch deployment.
For information on how to configure the 10 gigabit Ethernet, refer to Appendix A, or refer to Appendix B to learn more about deploying an InfiniBand network.
关于如何配置 10 千兆以太网的信息,参见附录A或参见 附录B了解有关部署InfiniBand网络的更多信息。
For increased storage capacity and bandwidth, virtual machine images were hosted on an external NFS appliance connected via a private 10 gigabit Ethernet LAN.
However, with high-speed networks, such as Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet, the round-trip time (hence retransmission timeout) is expected to be much lower.
Further, 10-gigabit Ethernet (10gbe) is fully supported in Linux, permitting construction of high-performance SANs.
此外,Linux中完全支持10千兆位以太网(10 - gigabit Ethernet, 10gbe),并允许构造高性能SAN。
There is enough interest that vendors have been trying to make the next Ethernet standard, 10-Gigabit Ethernet, ready for the WAN.
Now, Gigabit Ethernet is being used in some metropolitan-area networks (MAN), and standards bodies are readying 10-Gigabit Ethernet for metropolitan and even WANs.
Now, Gigabit Ethernet is being used in some metropolitan-area networks (MAN), and standards bodies are readying 10-Gigabit Ethernet for metropolitan and even WANs.