In Britain, there is still no 4G network - offering far faster data transmission than the current 3G network - but there may be networks in place by the time Apple's handset launches next summer.
The system consists of remote video surveillance monitoring center and background control center which conducts data transmission between remote port and background platform through 3g network.
So, the 3G wireless communication network and efficient image compression technology are the keys to future studies of wireless video transmission technology.
On the basis of the practical conditions of the local transmission access network in Yichang city, this paper describes in detail its planning and transformations for the advent of the early 3G.
As data transmission based on the 3g networks, network bandwidth is very difficult to guarantee and often received Many Interferences which came from noise and the same channel and so on.
Transmission network deployment for the radio access network is one of significant constituent parts in building 3G network(in short 3G).
Transmission network deployment for the radio access network is one of significant constituent parts in building 3G network(in short 3G).