All the required fields are followed by a red asterisk.
A lone asterisk matches all registrations.
If the asterisk appears at the beginning of a query word, we want to consider that to mean that the word needs to end in the specified query.
In the next example, the double asterisk substitutes for multiple nodes in the middle of a name.
The helper method then checks to see if the component is a required field, and if so it outputs an asterisk.
I provide a glossary for Scrum and agile terms in the sidebar, and I use an asterisk (*) after the first occurence of these terms in the text below.
Our diagram for the while loop contains both a condition and an asterisk, signaling iteration, but as you can see the number of iterations is unavailable.
When they said Woodrow Wilson wrote something to Tumulty [Wilson's secretary, essentially his chief of staff], there'd be a little tiny asterisk.
The inner for loop enumerates all the files in the current working directory -- the wild card * (asterisk) matches everything -- and then tests whether each entry is a file.
内部的for 循环枚举当前工作目录中的所有文件——通配符 *(星号)匹配所有条目——然后测试每个条目是否为文件。
The setmqaut command enables the use of a question mark to replace a single character in a name or an asterisk to replace zero or more characters in a node.
If you know part of the name of the artifact that you are looking for but not what the name begins with, you can use the asterisk as a wildcard.
Links may use a relative or absolute path, so you probably want a leading asterisk in the name to find all matches.
An asterisk wildcard is not supported as the first character in a text search term, however.
If the number of iterations is known and fixed — a rare occurrence — that number appears in square brackets following the asterisk.
A tiny asterisk conducted me to a footnote at the bottom of the page.
The asterisk is a placeholder for supporting finer probe points in the future.
The asterisk matches zero or more characters delimited by a dot character.
Wild cards are typically a question mark (?), pound sign (#), or asterisk (*) used as placeholder symbols to stand in for letters.
典型的通配符是,问号(?) ,井号(#),或者星号(*),用来作为替代字母的占位符。
Well, it's a prefix most of the symbols in this function with just an asterisk, with a * from the keyboard so Shift-8.
At that time, a Digium product manager, Rod Montgomery, lamented in a company blog that Skype for Asterisk, the Digium software, had been a “strong and steady seller.”
After a partner is added to this list, you can promote her to Primary partner (as indicated by an asterisk next to her name), and the entry sorts to the top.
在添加某个伙伴后,您可以把他/她提升为Primary 伙伴(名称旁有星形标记)并按类别置于顶端。
Within items, the path location expression then USES an asterisk to perform a wildcard NameTest to match on all child elements below - items.
在items中,路径位置表达式使用星号作为通配符nametest匹配所有子元素below- item。
I think the easiest barcode to use is code 39, all it requires is an asterisk before and after any text you want to convert to a barcode.
When the length of a river is followed by an asterisk, it is an average of multiple information sources.
The asterisk indicates that a password was collected on that connection.
The asterisk refers the reader to a footnote.
How can I replace all characters in a string with an asterisk, except for Spaces?
Archaeologists also discovered a number of pottery pieces with the asterisk character inscribed on the inner wall.
Archaeologists also discovered a number of pottery pieces with the asterisk character inscribed on the inner wall.