Conversely, the stemma can also bestow a semblance of separation on manuscripts written within a few months of one another or even in the same room.
The separation of charged particles that forms in a storm cloud has a sandwich-like structure.
Putting out this functionality into a separate gateway component supports further separation of concern when it comes to implementing a concrete solution.
A civil aircraft performing visual flight shall observe visual flight rules and keep a safe separation from other aircraft and ground obstacles.
The separation of concerns possible with SOA lets even a pilot project introduce SOA in a way that allows building expertise and verifies the business value, but doesn't disrupt major operations.
It is not sufficient to merely partition a system to enable a separation of engineering concerns.
The satellite is currently in orbit after a successful separation and has sent communication signals which have been received by a ground team in Malindi, Kenya.
Mike Frey is a fan of separation, so he maintains a private account and a company page.
It makes a separation between persons and a love of things. And I want to analyze those.
This is why, Majrouh wrote, landays are "a cry of separation" from the idea of love and a revelation of the misery of misalliance.
The main tenet of the Spark architecture is supported by a skinning model that provides separation of a component's visual elements from its logic.
When you select a pattern that includes a separation of these resources, you are free to deploy them on the same machine or on different machines.
But separation and divorce are a result of a couple's problems with each other, not with their kids.
Exercise your dog. A dog that has separation problems and a lot of pent-up energy will result in disaster.
Application virtualization refers to a separation of program execution from program display; in other words, a program executes on a server, but the graphical output is sent to a remote client device.
A dog that has separation problems and a lot of pent-up energy will result in disaster.
It is intended to provide a clean separation between the management of application binaries and the configuration of application contents to run in a specific target environment.
The ideal of a secular state, resting on a separation of church from state, means that the state does not promote a particular religion, does not say what one can and one cannot believe.
It would allow for easier maintenance, if you were testing a constantly changing application, to create a separate XML document for each screen, or some other logical separation.
Hurd's separation deal with HP did not include a non-compete provision, which is generally unenforceable in California, but did include a 2-year confidentiality pact.
In a typical Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) deployment, a number of layers are introduced to facilitate the separation of concerns and to assist in loose coupling.
This closeness does not imply a continual “togetherness,” for distance and separation are sometimes essential in a loving relationship.
This closeness does not imply a continual “togetherness, ” for distance and separation are sometimes essential in a loving relationship.
At some point in the future, the DBA may want to create a new table for separation of application data, but this is strictly a logical and semantic requirement and is not required by the database.
Let us say, moreover, parenthetically, that from a few words of what precedes a marked separation might be inferred between the two classes of historians which does not exist in our mind.
It helps prevent a user from becoming fatigued while looking at a site, it allows separation between content, and it just looks good.
Business agility will require a similar separation of concern and a set of controls to provide checks and balances that the systems are operating as expected within the stated business policies.
The 27-year-old cosmonaut's mission lasted just 108 minutes and was fraught with drama: a break in data transmission, glitches involving antennas, a retrorocket and the separation of modules.
Strikingly, Apple’s Mr Jobs was an exception, having distanced himself from Apple after being ousted in a boardroom battle in 1985—a separation that may have contributed to his second-act success.
Strikingly, Apple’s Mr Jobs was an exception, having distanced himself from Apple after being ousted in a boardroom battle in 1985—a separation that may have contributed to his second-act success.