The amount of electricity a consumer has available to complete household chores could change in a matter of seconds, hours or days — placing great importance on the need for robust storage methods.
Both feature a great amount of message overhead, and their performance is quite a bit slower than CORBA's; however, for many applications you really don't care about these factors.
Similarly, 85% of Latinos and 79% of Asians said they worry a great or a fair amount about contamination of soil and water by toxic waste, compared with 71% of whites.
"Study is a difficult job that needs a great amount of energy, time, and work," said Li.
Users have contributed a huge amount of data to support the effort, and the database is a great public asset.
Although Americans spend a great deal of money on unnecessary goods and services for themselves, they also spend a large amount on gifts for others.
The amount of "vital heat" produced by a specific body was viewed as a direct index of its place in the "great chain of being", a hierarchical order of rank according to degrees of perfection.
Deep fryers are great for making crispy fries, homemade donuts, and other deep-fried fare, but the amount of oil they use to cook a single batch of food can get a little expensive.
The inner islands are the remains of a submerged mountain range and are on a shallow plateau with a great amount of Marine life.
With users spending upwards of 2 to 3 hours daily on social networking sites, it's a great way to market to a captive audience without spending an excessive amount on marketing initiatives.
A court issued a warrant accusing him of "wasting the national wealth through his position that led to the loss of a great amount of money and Iraqi national wealth.
In this lab, you will learn how to quickly create and customize a data-driven Web application without the need to write a great amount of code.
The Internet has another great feature you've likely noticed: you can access a seemingly unlimited amount of information without needing a copy of it on your local computer.
“Obesity puts a great amount of stress on all the supporting structures of the foot, ” said Dr. Bart Gastwirth, a podiatrist at the University of Chicago.
芝加哥大学的足病诊疗师Bart Gastwirth博士说:“肥胖会使你脚的所有支撑结构经受更大的压力。”
You need a great amount of them to kill a big defense, but it will come cheaper as if you had attacked that defense with battleships with the same costs.
It works great for a variety of things, like creating platforms or backgrounds very quickly while using a small amount of texture memory.
It was practiced principally by Orientals and did not gain much popularity among Americans because, as in all things Oriental it involved a tedious amount of practice and a great deal of patience.
Home composting is a great way to reduce the amount of trash you produce on a daily basis, and thereby reduce the use of plastic trash bags.
Expert system is a kind of intelligent system; it is a computer inference system which has a great amount of special knowledge and experience.
Uncertainty brings a great amount of risk to the creation and implementation of a carbon tax and is a good reason to consider not doing it.
For my father had a great amount of money from his but he let much of it go, and I will be happy if my sons get from me what I got or a little more.
On one hand, many of my projects, especially the larger, complicated or sophisticated ones, have indeed involved a great amount of effort and caused a lot of headaches and heartburn.
A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a person. Kites rise against, not with the wind.
A great basketball player, but his baggage has lost him a significant amount of money and success.
Even a modest amount of restoration would make these great buildings more inviting to children, who are often the first people to judge by appearances and the last to pick up a book outside of school.
Such a hard beginning created a great amount of pressure on someone with an introverted personality like mine.
Each particle in a gas has a great amount of movement energy so that they are all travelling quite quickly .
Each particle in a gas has a great amount of movement energy so that they are all travelling quite quickly .