No one likes Daphne because she's a back-seat driver.
Newman also hopes that, with advanced machine-learning techniques, it might be also possible to communicate with the autonomous vehicle as a back-seat driver sometimes does to the main driver.
The gunman sprinted to a motorcycle, where a driver was waiting for him, and hopped on the back seat. They sped away.
The OBU could even morph into a virtual back-seat driver that does all these things and more, communicating with the driver using a synthetic voice, speech recognition and face-reading cameras.
She heaves the bags of money into the back seat, crawls in beside them, and gives the driver, who wakes with a snort, her address.
One of my friends is a terrible back seat driver . He is always telling me how to drive; in fact he drives me round the bend with his criticism.
Keep looking ahead so that you can give the driver lots of warning before having to make a turn, or youll have to move to the back seat.
I like to be in the driving seat and if a back seat driver annoys me too much, I turn round and say: "What are you driving at ?"
I like to be in the driving seat and if a back seat driver annoys me too much, I turn round and say: "What are you driving at ?"