There is no age limit at which you can open a bank account, but a bank manager can decide whether to open an account for a child or a young person.
"I also work here as a bank manager," he said. "I have a cash book and a ledger."
If the bank employee approves the application, a bank manager receives notification to review the application.
The alleged fraud came to light earlier this month when a client mentioned the scheme to a senior bank manager.
In the movie Little Fish, a video store manager played by Cate Blanchett applies for a bank loan to buy the business and expand into online gaming.
A lot may depend on the trust between the individual client and the relationship manager at the bank; if the bond is strong, then a bad year such as 2008 can be explained away.
Gong Bo, a customer manager with the Bank of China in Shanghai said he was even more exhausted after the "long rest," and eating too much meat over the holiday had only made the situation worse.
The professorial and newly slimline Mr Hollande, who is uncharitably likened to a provincial bank manager, has cultivated an image as a "normal" candidate.
This time, he's starring as well, as a professional bank robber who falls for the manager of the bank he's just laid the smackdown on.
The remainder, people said, would come as the bank records a tax gain from holding a smaller slice of BlackRock, the money manager.
The manager of a village bank in the Indian state of Rajasthan, he was reluctant to take a cheque for 1m rupees ($21,200) from the elected head of the village, or sarpanch.
The manager of a village bank in the Indian state of Rajasthan, he was reluctant to take a cheque for 1m rupees ($21, 200) from the elected head of the village, or sarpanch.
'It would be pretty damaging for bank shares if foreign investors get to know the implications of this, ' said Takeo Kusajima, a senior fund manager at Chuo Mitsui Asset Management.
ChuoMitsuiAsset Management的高级基金经理TakeoKusajima说,如果外国投资者了解其中含义的话,那么将给日本银行类股带来相当严重的伤害。
Sichuan was estimated to produce about 1 million tons of rapeseed this year, according to Jiao Liande, a Shanghai-based manager at Tech-Bank co. Ltd. and a native of Sichuan.
Through regular gifts and business assistance the CEO might build strong guanxi with a local bank manager that would give him the opportunity to ask for fake statements and confirmations.
Dai Bing, general manager of credit card center of China Everbright Bank, said, "She says the new system is both an opportunity and a responsibility."
The bank manager was really to blame, but he tried to pin it on a clerk.
The bank manager was really to blame, though he tried to pin it on a clerk.
You can now hear a ding-bang-whoosh signifying an E-mail from your manager, or a bell-squawk-chirp to let you know your bank statement is available.
现在您可以听到ding - bang - whoosh表示电子邮件来自您的经理,或者bell - squawk - chirp表示您的银行对帐单可以使用了。
Sberbank is negotiating to buy Troika Dialog, a local asset manager and investment bank.
"I am not asking for handouts, but support so we can raise our heads - when I ask the Bank Manager for a $3000 [LKR300,000] loan, he asks for security, and I have none, " Sujith says.
If you are looking for a loan, serving your bank manager breakfast might just do the trick.
If you are looking for a loan, serving your bank manager breakfast might just do the trick.
While I was establishing the business the bank manager really was a knight in shining armour.
Treat for a while, I hope oneself can open a bank. Result is really efficacy: manager next to my front door key.
Xu Jiangling, who interned as an assistant to a bank-lobby manager, said it was hard to understand why the job requires him to always stand, even if nobody seemed to mind if he sat down.
Xu Jiangling, who interned as an assistant to a bank-lobby manager, said it was hard to understand why the job requires him to always stand, even if nobody seemed to mind if he sat down.